- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)07-0053-08
- 中图分类号:F592 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.07.009
- 项目基金:上海市旅游局项目“上海商旅文融合发展模式及其评价”(2016ZXR0096)。
- 作者简介:张媛,上海杉达学院,旅游与酒店管理学院旅游管理系,旅游管理系副系主任,讲师;
- 全域旅游视角下上海“商旅文”发展现状、特征与模式转型
- The Research of the Coordination of Commerce, Tourism and Culture in Shanghai through the Comprehensive Tourism Perspective
- 浏览量:
- 张媛 楼嘉军
- ZHANG Yuan LOU Jiajun
- 摘要:
“商旅文”是一种城市产业发展理念和模式,意在打破资源利用的界限,实现城市商业、旅游和文化的共同发展。本文首先梳理了上海商旅文的历史发展阶段,总结其发展特点;进而以“全域旅游”视野进行分析,指出上海“商旅文”的发展需从资源观、产品观、市场观和产业观四个方面进行调整,从而构建商旅文发展全维度升级,全品牌建设,全文化营销,全市场协调的全域模式。 - 关键词:
商旅文;全域旅游;上海; - Abstract: The coordination of commerce, tourism and culture is a concept and mode of urban development which intends to remove the limitation of resource utilization and achieve the common development of urban commerce, tourism and culture. This paper goes through different phases in the course of coordinating commerce, tourism and culture in Shanghai. Then in the light of comprehensive tourism, this paper points out the coordination of commerce, tourism and culture should be adjusted in four aspects, namely, resource, product, market and industry. Thereupon, the comprehensive mode could be constructed with the upgraded coordination of commerce, tourism and culture as well as brand building, cultural marketing and market collaboration.
- Key words: cordination of commerce, tourism and culture; comprehensive tourism; Shanghai
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