- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)08-0095-07
- 中图分类号:C916;D630 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.08.013
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国特色社会体制改革与社会治理创新研究” (16ZDA078);国家社会科学基金项目“差异性均衡权力体系框架下社区社会治理新路径研究”(14BSH011)。
- 作者简介:刘振,天津理工大学社会发展学院讲师,博士;
- “三社联动”的县域逻辑:内涵、机制与发展路径 ——以宜兴为例
- The County Logic of “Linkage of Communities, Social Organizations and Social Work”: Connotation, Mechanism and Development Route——A Case Study of Yixing
- 浏览量:
- 刘振 侯利文
- LIU Zhen HOU Liwen
- 摘要:
对于“三社联动”这一基层社会治理创新的重要命题,没有专业社会工作的县域城市亦响应国家号召开展“三社联动”的具体实践,探索出了一套独具特色的“三社联动”模式。通过对江苏宜兴“三社联动”具体实践的考察,本文发现县域城市社区治理中的“三社联动”有着“社区居委会”、“社区自组织”、“社区工作者”三个传统社区治理主体之间协同、互动的独特内涵;是一种以社区居委会为核心,整合社区既有资源,利用社区社会组织协助开展公共服务、组织社区自治的特殊联动机制 ;此外,县域城市的“三社联动”是对原有社会治理“存量”的优化,虽与大中城市社区对社会治理“增量”的拓展不同,但二者在发展路径上却“殊途同归”。 - 关键词:
三社联动;县域城市;联动机制; - Abstract: For “linkage of communities, social organizations and social work”, an important and innovative proposition of community-level social governance, county-level cities without social agencies also responded to the call to practice “linkage of communities, social organizations and social work”, and explored a unique pattern. Through the investigation about “linkage of community, social organization and social work” in county-level city in Jiangsu province, we found the city owns a unique connotation of synergy and interaction among three traditional subjects of community governance, which are community committees, community self-organizations and community workers. There’s a special linkage mechanism, centered on community committees and assisted by social organizations to carry out community governance and service. Furthermore, “linkage of communities, social organizations and social work” in county-level cities optimized original community governance. Although communities in large and medium-sized cities have differences in stock of social governance, both of which are towards to the same destination in development route.
- Key words: “linkage of communities, social organizations and social worker”; county-level city; linkage mechanism
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