- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)08-0123-08
- 中图分类号:F592.99 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.08.017
- 作者简介:王丽,女,北京人,中国社会科学院研究生院,北京联合大学旅游学院,助理研究员,博士研究生,研究方向为旅游信息化、旅游者行为。
- 基于地理标签照片的国外旅游研究述评与展望
- A Review of Foreign Tourism Research Based on Geo-tagged Photos
- 浏览量:
- 王丽
- 摘要:
近年来,地理标签照片逐渐成为旅游研究中的重要数据来源之一,其元数据中的拍摄地点经度与纬度、拍摄时间、上传时间、曝光时长等信息得到了国外旅游研究者们的普遍关注。本文通过文献检索、统计、归纳,分析了 10 年来国外学者基于地理标签照片开展的旅游研究情况,这些国外研究主要集中在地理标签照片与实际旅游者数量相关度、旅游者时空行为分析、旅游线路推荐系统、目的地形象感知研究和重大事件对旅游影响的探测等方面,并且取得了一定进展,对多角度全方位研究旅游理论提供了一个新的视角,为未来全面认识旅游者行为、改进旅游目的地管理与营销开拓了一个新的、有重要潜在价值的大数据视角。 - 关键词:
地理标签照片;旅游研究;时空行为; - Abstract: In recent years, geo-tagged photos have gradually become one of the important data sources in tourism research. The information such as longitude and latitude, shooting time, uploading time and exposure time in the metadata has received widespread attention from foreign tourism researchers. This paper analyzes the tourism research conducted by foreign scholars based on geo-tagged photos in the past 10 years through literature search, statistics and induction. These foreign studies mainly focus on the correlation between geo-tagged photos and actual tourists, the analysis of tourists' spatio-temporal behavior, and tourist routes. Recommendation system, destination image perception research and detection of the impact of major events on tourism provide a new perspective for multi-angle comprehensive research on tourism theory, comprehensive understanding of tourists' behavior and improvement of tourism for the future.
- Key words: geo-tagged photography; tourism research; spatio-temporal behavior
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