- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)08-0102-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.08.014
- 作者简介:简海云,男,上海同济大学建筑与城市规划学院在读博士生,昆明城市规划设计研究院副院长,正高级工程师,国家注册规划师;
- 论民用航空与内陆边远城镇的互动发展 ——以云南为例
- The Interactive Development of Civil Aviation and Inland Remote Towns :Taking Yunnan as an Example
- 浏览量:
- 简海云 林晓蓉 和艳 徐厅
- JIAN Haiyun LIN Xiaorong HE Yan XU Tin
- 摘要:
我国国土面积辽阔,城镇空间布局呈现东密西疏的不均衡态势,广大的西部内陆边远地区与沿海经济发达地区距离遥远,地广人稀,加上地貌山川阻隔,交通瓶颈对城镇发展的制约明显。研究以云南为案例,论述了航空对内陆边远地区城镇发展的影响,提出以航空网建设为抓手,探索航空驱动的 “AOD” (Aviation Oriented Development)城镇发展模式,在具备发展潜力的边远地区培育“飞地”(Enclave)型的城镇空间增长极,适应内陆边远地区分散城镇化的发展需求。 - 关键词:
民用航空;AOD;飞地;核心-边缘;二元极化; - Abstract: China's land area is vast, and the urban spatial layout presents an imbalanced situation in the east and west. The vast western inland remote areas and coastal economically developed areas are far away from each other in distance. In western inland, the land is sparsely populated, and the landforms are blocked by mountains and rivers. The constraints are obvious. The study takes Yunnan as an example to discuss the impact of aviation on urban development in inland and remote areas. It proposes to use aviation network construction as a starting point to explore the aviation-driven “AOD” (Aviation Oriented Development) urban development model. The area fosters the “Enclave” type of urban space growth, adapting to the development needs of decentralized urbanization in inland and remote areas.
- Key words: civil aviation; Aviation Oriented Development; enclave; core periphery; two polarization
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