  • 城市建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)09-0091-10
  • 中图分类号:F293.3    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.09.013
  • 项目基金:陕西省社会科学基金面向“十三五”重大理论与现实问题研究项目“转型发展中陕西省公租房、棚改安置房和住房租赁市场与存量商品住房市场有效衔接研究”(2016ZDA04)阶段性成果;陕西省软科学研究计划基金资助项目(2015KRM111)。
  • 作者简介:刘晓君(1961-),女,汉族,陕西西安人,西安建筑科技大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,主要从事建设项目投资决策、房地产经济与管理等研究; 乔佚(1992-),通信作者,女,汉族,山西大同人,西安建筑科技大学管理学院硕士研究生,主要从事房地产经济与管理研究。
  • 城市内涵式发展视角下棚户区改造安置模式选择研究 ——以西安市为例
  • Study on Selection of Resettlement Modes in Shantytowns Transformation in Perspective of Urban Connotative Development: Take Xi’an as an Example
  • 浏览量:
  • 刘晓君 乔佚
  • LIU Xiaojun QIAO Yi
  • 摘要:
    城市内涵式发展视角下,研究棚户区改造安置模式选择问题具有重要意义。在各类棚户区改造安置模式城市内涵式发展相互作用的因果关系分析基础上,建立了棚户区改造安置模式选择系统的动力学模型。以西安市为例,选取了作用于各类棚户区改造安置比例的基础设施建设支持系数、棚改居民社会保障水平、棚改居民就业水平和货币化安置评估价值上浮比例 4 个变量,运用 Vensim 软件进行仿真实验。仿真结果表明 :西安市在安置模式选择中,集中异地安置模式适用于需要调整产业结构的区域,可通过加大基础设施建设支持力度促进集中异地安置;货币化安置模式适用于需要提升 GDP 规模且商品住房库存较大的区域,可主要通过提高棚户区居民就业水平来提高货币化安置比例,以提高货币化安置评估价值上浮比例和棚户区居民社会保障水平为辅助 ;在不影响区域整体规划且商品住房库存压力较小的情况下,可选择集中就地安置模式。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: It is of great significance to study the selection of resettlement modes in shantytowns transformation in the perspective of urban connotative development. Based on the analysis of the causality relationship between various modes of shantytowns resettlement and urban development, a dynamic model of the resettlement modes in shantytowns transformation selection system is constructed by the software of Vensim. Taking Xi’an as an example, four variables which will influence the proportion of various types of shantytowns resettlement were selected: the support factor for infrastructure construction, the social security level for shantytowns’ residents, the employment level of shantytowns’ residents, and the housing value appraisal floating index. The software Vensim was used to perform simulation experiments. The simulation experiment results of the empirical case show how to choose the resettlement modes in Xi’an. The relocated resettlement mode is applicable to the areas that need to adjust the industrial structure, and can be promoted by increasing the support for infrastructure construction. The monetization resettlement mode is applicable to the regions that need great improvement of GDP and have large stocks of commercial housing, and we can mainly increase the proportion of monetized resettlement by increasing the employment level of residents in shantytowns, or by increasing the value assessment of house in monetization resettlement and the level of social security of shantytowns for assistant measures. The reversed resettlement mode is applicable to the regions that does not affect the overall area planning and its pressure of commodity housing inventory is relatively small.
  • Key words: resettlement modes in shantytowns transformation; urban connotative development; system dynamics
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