- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)09-0056-08
- 中图分类号:[F292] 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.09.008
- 项目基金:北京大学(深圳)未来城市实验室铁汉科研开放课题基金;中国博士后科学基金项目(2016M600852);北大—林肯研究中心2017-2018年度研究基金项目“国家制度空间下城市内部空间重构的特征与机制研究——以重庆市两江新区为例”。
- 作者简介:晁恒(1987-),男,北京大学(深圳)未来城市实验室副研究员、北京大学深圳研究生院助理研究员,博士,研究方向为城市与区域规划、城市空间治理;
- 面向城市群的珠三角近郊型小城镇空间优化策略 ——以中山市沙溪镇为例
- Spatial Optimization of Suburban Townlet in the Pearl River Delta Based on the Perspective of Urban Agglomerations: A Case Study of Shaxi Town in Zhongshan
- 浏览量:
- 晁恒 邹小龙 李贵才
- CHAO Heng ZOU Xiaolong LI Guicai
- 摘要:
文章分析了珠三角近郊型小城镇的空间特征和转型发展的区域背景,并结合“流空间”理论等新区域观,提出了面向城市群的小城镇空间发展理念,即“网络城市”的区域整体观、“社会容器”的人本主义观、“宜居宜业”的双重城市观。基于此,文章以中山市沙溪镇为例,从空间格局、空间要素和重点分区等方面提出了空间优化策略。具体包括 :区域格局要组团统筹,融入区域,提升能级;城镇格局要优化布局,促进空间融合;公共设施要集中布局,全面覆盖,提升等级;交通设施要强化内外联系,提高通达度 ;建成环境要提升品质,塑造景观风貌 ;旧厂和旧村要分类指导,建设现代社区 ;大型项目要打造专业化组团功能。 - 关键词:
小城镇;空间优化;城市群;珠三角; - Abstract: This paper analyzes the spatial characteristics and regional background of the transformation and development of suburban townlets in the Pearl River Delta, and puts forward the concept of the spatial development of townlets for urban agglomeration, combining such new regional view as the theory of "flow space". It is mainly divided into the regional overall of "network city", the humanism prospective of "social container", the dual urban outlook of "suitable for settling and business". Based on this, taking Shaxi Town of Zhongshan as an example, this paper puts forward spatial optimization strategies from the aspects of spatial pattern, spatial elements and key areas. Specifically, the regional pattern should be organized as a whole, integrated into the region, and upgraded to a high level; the urban landscape should be further optimized, balanced, and integrated; the public facilities should be centralized, fully covered, and upgraded; and the transport facilities should be able to improve the accessibility and strengthen the connection of internal and external regions; the built environment should enhance the quality and shape the landscape; old factories and old villages should be classified and directed to build modern communities; for large-scaled projects, it’s to create specialized group function.
- Key words: townlet; spatial optimization; urban agglomeration; Pearl River Delta
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