  • 城乡消费空间研究
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)09-0011-08
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.09.002
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“我国大城市消费空间的生产:阶层化与日常生活整体性框架下的文化政治研究”(项目编号:41371150)。
  • 作者简介:张敏,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,教授,主要从事城市社会文化空间、消费空间、城市与区域规划研究; 熊帼,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士,主要从事城市规划与研究。
  • 城市中心区大型购物中心的社会空间生产与地方重建 ——以南京水游城为例
  • Social Space Production and the Local Reconstruction of Shopping Mall in Urban Central District: A Case Study of Nanjing Aqua
  • 浏览量:
  • 张敏 熊帼
  • 摘要:
    作为资本与城市经营结合的产物 , 在城市中心建设大型购物中心已成为一个新的全球化现象,其带来城市空间结构和传统地区的社会生活剧烈重构。本研究在回顾国内外大型购物中心在内城及城市中心崛起的社会经济背景与影响的基础上,运用列斐伏尔空间生产理论的“建构的空间”与“感知的空间”概念,以南京水游城购物中心为例,剖析城市传统商业地区大型购物中心作为一种社会空间生产的过程、特征与机制。研究指出自上而下的空间生产对地方具有强力控制和影响,来自居民和消费者底层的挪用和抵抗是生动、丰富却又是边缘和脆弱的。居民的日常生活实践仍然是一个值得关注的领域,有助于启发城市政府、公共利益部门以及规划设计机构在城市更新与引入开发项目中更好地协调矛盾与冲突,以保护地方特质与传承历史文化。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: As the product of the combination of capital and urban management, shopping malls as archetypical globalized spaces had been built in urban center throughout the world since the end of 1970s, causing the dramatic reconstruction of the social life in the traditional areas as well as the urban spatial and functional structure. Shopping mall has been deemed as a typical standard and abstract space, but also a hybrid and diverse social space being reused and converted by everyday practices. This paper firstly reviewed the social and economic background and influence of the domestic and foreign large shopping malls emerging in the inner city and the city center, then applied the concept of “conceived space” and “perceived space” of Lefebvre's space production theory, taking the shopping mall of Nanjing Aqua as a case to analyze the process and dynamics of its rising in the traditional commercial area of the city. It is pointed out that the top-down space production has a strong control and influence on the local area, and the reusing and resistance from the bottom of the residents and consumers is vivid, rich but marginal and fragile. The practice of everyday life is still a crucial realm deserved of concerning, which helps to enlighten urban governments, public interest departments and planning and design institutions to coordinate contradictions and conflicts in urban renewal and development projects to protect local features and inherit history and culture.
  • Key words: production of space; social spaces; conceived spaces; perceived spaces; shopping mall; Nanjing Aqua
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