  • 区域
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)01-0060-09
  • 中图分类号:F291    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.01.010
  • 项目基金:东南大学重大科学研究引导基金“弱势群体与城乡空间公平共享研究”(编号: 2242017S30004)项目部分成果;东南大学江苏首批高端智库基地配套项目部分成果。
  • 作者简介:赵立元,男,东南大学建筑学院博士研究生; 王兴平,男,东南大学建筑学院教授,博士生导师。
  • 大都市区化进程中乡镇撤并的时空特征与驻地发展研究——以南京市为例
  • Study on Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Townships Merging and Merged Towns Development in the Process of Metropolitanization: A Case of Nanjing
  • 浏览量:
  • 赵立元 王兴平
  • ZHAO Liyuan WANG Xingping
  • 摘要:
    改革开放初期,发展小城镇曾一度成为国家的重要战略,然而,伴随国民经济发展重心向大城 市的实际转移,全国范围内都开展了广泛的乡镇撤并运动,这在发达的大都市地区更为明显。 本文将乡镇撤并置于大都市区化的视野内进行研究,以南京市为例,发现大都市区的形成发展 与区域内乡镇撤并有很强的时空关联性,且后者高度服从于前者需要。通过对被撤并乡镇驻地 的发展现状评价与影响因素分析,发现与大都市区的蓬勃发展形成鲜明对比,大部分驻地都在 衰退,少数发展的也是由于被城市扩张吸纳,或因受城市辐射而保持稳定,总体看来成了名副 其实的“失落空间”。进一步将被撤并乡镇驻地分为一般衰退型、规划控制稳定 / 衰退型、总 体稳定型、城市吞噬再造发展型、工矿生命周期终结衰退型五种类型,针对其各自特点与现实 问题,以实现可持续的大都市区发展为目标提出引导策略建议。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: In the early days of reform and opening up, the development of small towns once became an important strategy of the country. However, with the actual shift of the focus of national economic development to the actual transfer of large cities, a wide range of township and township with drawal movements were launched nationwide, which is more developed in developed metropolitan areas. In this paper, the townships are removed and placed in the perspective of metropolitanization. Taking Nanjing as an example, it is found that the formation and development of metropolitan areas have strong temporal and spatial correlation with the relocation of towns and towns within the region, and the latter is highly subordinate to the former needs. Through the analysis of the development status and influencing factors of the relocated townships and villages, it is found that in sharp contrast with the flourishing development of metropolitan areas, most of the stations are in recession, and a few developments are also absorbed by urban expansion or due to urban radiation. While maintaining stability, it seems to be a veritable "lost space". Further, the townships and towns that have been withdrawn will be divided into five types: general declining, planning control stable/declining, overall stable, urban devouring and rebuilding, and industrial and mining life cycle. Aiming at their respective characteristics and realities to achieve suggestions for guiding strategies are proposed for the development of sustainable metropolitan areas.
  • Key words: metropolitanization; township merging; tmporal and spatial characteristics; merged towns; development types; Nanjing
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