- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)10-0065-10
- 中图分类号:X321 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.10.009
- 项目基金:山东省自然科学基金(Z R 2 0 19 M E E 0 4 8);教育部人文社会科学研究基金(14 Y J C Z H 1 6 6);华南理工大学亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室开放研究基金(2016ZB11)。
- 作者简介:肖华斌(1980-),男,山东建筑大学建筑城规学院副教授,博士,硕士研究生导师,主要从事地景规划与生态修复、绿色基础设施与健康福祉研究;
- 新数据环境下低碳生态城市碳排放评价研究 ——以济南市西部新城为例
- Evaluation of Carbon Emission in Low-carbon Eco-city on the New Data Environment: A Case Study on the West New District of Jinan City
- 浏览量:
- 肖华斌 安淇 盛硕
- XIAO Huabin AN Qi SHENG Shuo
- 摘要:
人类活动的碳排放量与城市化进程息息相关,城市土地利用、功能活力和交通系统组织是影响城市碳排放的重要因素。本文在厘清低碳生态城市空间结构特征的基础上,结合“评建结合”思想跟踪对比低碳生态城市建设情况,从城市规划方案和规划建成后两方面选取可量化的低碳生态城市空间特征为指标,评价并对比城市规划方案及建成后碳排放潜力。在新数据环境背景和G IS 技术支持下,基于空间分析及网络分析手段实现评价结果空间化直观表达。以济南市西部新城为例,综合评价并可视化表达其概念规划方案及建成实施后碳排放潜力变化情况,评价结果显示,济南市西部新城概念规划方案基本实现规划理念提出的低碳生态目标,但部分片区建设实施尚未满足低碳城市需求,主要表现为公交线路密度、城市功能密度及功能混合度不足。 - 关键词:
低碳生态城市;新数据环境;碳排放评价;济南市西部新城; - Abstract: The carbon emissions of human activities are closely related to the process of urbanization. Urban land use, functional vitality and transportation system organization are important factors affecting urban carbon emissions. On the basis of clarifying the spatial structure characteristics of low-carbon eco-city, this paper combines the idea of “combination of construction and construction” to track the construction of low-carbon eco-city, and selects the quantifiable low-carbon eco-city spatial characteristics from urban planning and post-planning. With the support of new data environment background and GIS technology, spatial and visual expression of evaluation results is realized based on spatial analysis and network analysis. Taking Jinan West New City as an example, the evaluation results show that the Jinan Western New City concept planning plan basically realizes the low-carbon ecological goal proposed by the planning concept, but the implementation of some districts have not yet met the needs of low-carbon cities, mainly due to insufficient bus line density, urban functional density and functional mixture.
- Key words: low-carbon eco-city; new data environment; carbon emission evaluation; Jinan Western New City
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