- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)10-0056-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.10.008
- 作者简介:葛大永,江苏省城镇与乡村规划设计院城乡规划所副所长,高级城市规划师;
- 探索多主体博弈下的控规精细化管控策略与技术方法 ——以南京市主城区苜蓿园为例
- Exploring the Refined Management Strategy and Technical Methods Based on the Multi-Subject Game: A Case Study of Muxuyuan of Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 葛大永 张飞
- GE Dayong ZHANG Fei
- 摘要:
本文通过对地处新老城交界、多个利益团体纠葛的苜蓿园地区发展现状问题和利益诉求的研究,明确高度管控、路权诉求、用地兼容、开发强度、设施配置是该片区控规编制过程中需要重点研究的内容。据此,笔者提出以“平衡多方权益的管控措施”为研究重点,以“资源共享、整体最优”为规划目标的精细化管控策略,分别构建了基于公众视觉与开发诉求平衡的临山单元高度管控、基于路权适度共享的慢行友好T O D 体系构建、基于存量公益优先与增量适度弹性的用地兼容引导、兼顾经济效益与公众利益的增量用地强度研究和兼顾标准适宜与便捷可达的公共服务设施配置的关键性技术方法。 - 关键词:
多主体博弈;精细化管控;南京苜蓿园;技术方法; - Abstract: Through the research on the status quo and interest appeals of the Muxuyuan area, which is located at the junction of the new old city and many interest groups, this paper clarifies that the high degree of control, road rights appeal, land compatibility, development intensity, and facility allocation are the control regulations of the area. Based on this, the author puts forward the management control strategy of “balanced multi-party rights and interests” and the refined management and control strategy with “resource sharing and overall optimization” as the planning goal, and constructs the Linshan unit based on the balance between public vision and development appeal.
- Key words: multi-subject game; refined management; Muxuyuan in Nanjing; technical method
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