- 城市绿地生态网络研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)10-0028-08
- 中图分类号:TU985.1 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.10.004
- 项目基金:南京林业大学青年科技创新基金项目“基于综合敏感性的南京明城墙景观廊道的保护与更新研究”(C X2017034);江苏高校哲学社会科学研究资助项目“基于文脉的南京明外郭历史廊道的景观更新策略研究”(2016S J B760005);住房和城乡建设部科学研究开发项目“基于城市有机更新的生态网络构建关键技术研究”(K22018080)。
- 作者简介:赵晨洋,南京林业大学风景园林学院,博士,讲师;
- 基于生态廊道构建的南京仙林绿地网络优化研究
- Study on Optimization of Xianlin Green Space Network in Nanjing Based on Ecological Corridor Construction
- 浏览量:
- 赵晨洋 李卫正 仲启铖
- ZHAO Chenyang LI Weizheng ZHONG Qicheng
- 摘要:
生态廊道是指连接斑块的带状空间,能确保生态过程的连续性,有利于维持和恢复自然生态系统功能,减少经济社会发展对生态系统功能和服务的不利影响,可兼顾环生态、景观和人文等层面,极大增强新城的吸引力。本文以南京仙林新城为研究对象,首先调查分析仙林新城绿色基础设施状况,总结仙林绿地发展现状与问题,基于G IS 平台,采用最小路径(LC P)方法,确定潜在生态廊道;并通过重力模型的计算,提取重要生态廊道,构建新城的生态廊道网络,并对廊道网络指标进行分析和评价;再结合各片区的具体绿地规划的要求与特点,构建新城绿地多层级、多元功能要求的综合绿地生态网络;最终总结并提出新城绿地生态网络的优化策略。 - 关键词:
生态廊道;LCP;重力模型;绿地生态网络;优化策略; - Abstract: Eco-corridor refers to the zonal space that connects patches. It can ensure the continuity of ecological processes, help to maintain and restore the functions of natural ecosystems, reduce the adverse effects of economic and social development on ecosystem functions and services, and take into account the levels of ecology, landscape and humanities, so as to greatly increased the attraction of new towns. This paper takes Xianlin New Town in Nanjing as the research object. Firstly, it investigates and analyses the status of green infrastructure in Xianlin New Town and summarizes the development status and problems of Xianlin green space. Based on the GIS, the potential ecological corridor is determined by the LCP (least cost path). Through the calculation of gravity model, the important ecological corridors are extracted. Then the ecological corridor network of the new town is constructed, and the corridor network indicators are analyzed and evaluated. Combined with the specific green space planning requirements and characteristics of each area, the comprehensive green space ecological network with multi-level and multi-functional requirements of the green space of the new town is constructed. Finally the paper summarizes and puts forward the new town green space ecological network optimization strategy.
- Key words: ecological corridor; LCP; gravity model; green space ecological network; optimizing strategy
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