  • 人口空间分布及流动特征研究
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)11-0002-11
  • 中图分类号:[K901.3]    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.11.001
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目(41871160)。
  • 作者简介:陈少杰,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生; 沈丽珍,通信作者,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,副教授。
  • 基于腾讯位置大数据的三地同城化 地区人口流动时空间特征研究
  • Study on Spatial-temporal Characteristics of Population Mobility in the Urban Integration Areas of Three Cities Based on Tencent Location Big Data
  • 浏览量:
  • 陈少杰 沈丽珍
  • CHEN Shaojie SHEN Lizhen
  • 摘要:
    同城化地区正日渐成为参与区域竞争的重要单元载体,学术界目前关于同城化的研究多以定性描述和个体案例研究为主,其量化研究及群体特征研究相对较少。通过厦漳泉、宁镇扬以及长株潭地区2017 年全年腾讯迁徙热度分析三地同城化地区人口流动时空间特征,研究发现三地同城化地区人口流动在法定节假日、春运期间以及周末时段存在显著集聚和扩散的双重特征,催生了同城人口流动钟摆现象。三地同城化地区城市间人口流动空间关系呈现以核心城市为主导的“1+2”模式,对外人口流动联系呈现显著的地理邻近性和空间集聚性特征。基于腾讯迁徙数据判别三地同城化进程存在明显差异,当前厦漳泉地区同城化进程最快,而宁镇扬地区的同城化则处于起步阶段,提出同城化地区在推进城际交通一体化建设的同时也应当促进城际协商机制的建立完善、政府政策及规划的落地执行以及加强产业经济的互补合作等,从而推动三地同城化建设向深层次发展。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The urban integration areas are increasingly becoming an important carrier for regional competition. At present, most of the research on urban integration in the academia focuses on qualitative description and individual case study, while there are relatively few quantitative and group characteristics studies. By analyzing the temporal and spatial characteristics of population mobility in the urban integration area of three cities on Tencent location big data of 2017, the paper explores the inter-city relationship and spatial-temporal characteristics in the city integration areas through Xiamen-Zhangzhou-Quanzhou region, Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou region and Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan region. The study finds that the population flow in the three cities has the dual characteristics of agglomeration and diffusion during the legal holidays, the Spring Festival and the weekend, which leads to the phenomenon of the pendulum of the population flow in the region. The spatial relationship of population flow among cities in the urban integration areas present a "1+2" model dominated by the core cities, and the external population flow relationship presents significant geographical proximity and spatial agglomeration characteristics. Discriminant three areas based on Tencent migration data process exists obvious difference, the process of urbanization in Xiamen-Zhangzhou-Quanzhou region is the fastest, while the process of urbanization in Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou region is still in its infancy. It is proposed that the urban integration areas should promote the establishment and improvement of inter-city consultation mechanism, the implementation of government policies and plans, and the strengthening of industrial economy while promoting the integration of inter-city transportation. So as to promote the development of the urban integration areas in a deeper level
  • Key words: urban integration; Tencent migration heat; population mobility; spatial-temporal characteristics
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