- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)11-0120-05
- 中图分类号:C912.81 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.11.017
- 项目基金:江苏省博士后科研资助计划课题“社会共治图景下的多元主体互赖模式研究”(编号:1701135C)。
- 作者简介:聂继凯(1985-),男,博士,扬州大学公共管理系讲师,扬州大学政府治理与公共政策研究中心研究人员,扬州大学马克思主义理论博士后流动站在站博士后,研究方向:基层治理与公共政策。
- 居民日常生活需求导向下的宜居社区评估指标体系研究
- A Study on Evaluation Index System of Livable Community under the Guidance of Daily Life Demand of Residents
- 浏览量:
- 聂继凯
- NIE Jikai
- 摘要:
以日常生活批判理论和生活政治理论为理论基础,借助问卷调查结合定量、定性分析技术,在解析宜居社区相关科研文献、政策文本、实践经验和融合居民日常生活需求的基础上建构了一个包括6 项一级指标、19 项二级指标和70 项三级指标的宜居社区评估指标体系。借助A H P 法计量指标权重后发现,务实和潜在变动性构成了评估指标体系的基调和特征,安全、智慧与自组织分别是当下社区居民的主导性需求、宜居社区的构成性要件及宜居社区建设的基础性方式,据此提出了双导向、系统设计、动态调整3 个评估指标体系优化原则,及多元共治、智慧社区与社区安全3 个日后宜居社区重点实践方向,最后指出了扩充指标建构方法、丰富分析数据、开展居民满意度调查3 个后续研究进路。 - 关键词:
日常生活;宜居社区;评估指标体系; - Abstract: The evaluation index system of livable community is constructed, including 6 primary indicators, 19 secondary indicators and 70 tertiary indicators, which are based on the theory of daily life and the theory of life politics, and used questionnaire survey combined with quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques to analyze relevant policies, scientific research literature and practical experience of livable community. After measuring the weights of indicators with the AHP method, it is found that pragmatic and potential variability constitute the keynote and characteristics of the evaluation index system, safety is the dominant needs of the current community residents, wisdom is the constitutive elements of the livable community, and self-organization is the basic approach of community construction. Based on these findings this paper proposes three optimization principles of evaluation indicators system, such as dual orientation, system design and dynamic adjustment, and three key practice directions of livable community, including diversified co-governance, smart community and community safety. Finally three follow-up research approaches are proposed, such as to expand the index construction method, enrich the analysis data, and carry out the residents satisfaction survey.
- Key words: daily life; livable community; evaluation index system
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