- 防灾减灾
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)11-0125-07
- 中图分类号:X43 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.11.018
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金重大项目(13&ZD162);国家自然科学基金项目(51608009)。
- 作者简介:王思成(1986-),男,天津大学建筑学院博士研究生,研究方向为城市安全与综合防灾规划问题;
- 城市雨洪安全风险测度与防灾规划管理响应研究
- Study on Safety Risk Measurement and Disaster Prevention Planning Response of Urban Rainstorm and Flood
- 浏览量:
- 王思成 运迎霞 李道勇
- WANG Sicheng YUN Yingxia LI Daoyong
- 摘要:
基于京津冀地区15 个城市的面板数据,构建雨洪安全风险Q D F 评价体系并优化风险测度函数,从雨洪管理的角度对防灾规划措施进行响应性研究。结果显示:既定重现期下的测度函数优化能够提高雨洪风险的评估效率;海绵城市建设并非持续性投资,雨洪基建管理应在投资水平、预期损失和总成本间寻找最优效益点;内涝情境下的降雨强度值与5 种土地类别承灾体的损害值之间存在正向关系;江河堤防失稳情境下的防灾规划需依据风险评估值划定Ⅲ级雨洪防护圈;雨洪管理项目清单应依据不同气候场景下的灾害影响范围进行弹性调整。 - 关键词:
雨洪风险;测度优化;规划管理;QDF模型; - Abstract: Based on the panel data of 15 cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the QDF evaluation system for stormwater security risks was constructed and the risk measurement function was optimized to conduct responsive research on disaster prevention planning measures from the perspective of stormwater management. The results show that the optimization of the measurement function under the established return period can improve the efficiency of rainwater risk assessment; the sponge city construction is not a continuous investment, and the rainwater infrastructure management should find the optimal benefit point between investment level, expected loss and total cost. There is a positive relationship between the rainfall intensity value in the intrinsic situation and the damage value of the five land types. The disaster prevention planning under the river dike instability situation needs to define the level III rainwater protection circle according to the risk assessment value. The list of flood management projects should be flexibly adjusted according to the scope of disasters under different climate scenarios.
- Key words: rain-flood risk; optimum measure; planning and management; QDF model
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