- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)11-0061-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.11.009
- 作者简介:蒋金亮,硕士,江苏省城市规划设计研究院城市规划师,主要研究方向为城乡规划定量分析与大数据研究;
- 时空间行为分析支撑的乡村规划设计方法
- The Method of Rural Planning Design Supported by Time Space Behavior Analysis
- 浏览量:
- 蒋金亮 刘志超
- JIANG Jinliang LIU Zhichao
- 摘要:
快速城镇化阶段乡村要素不断流入城市,引发乡村一系列问题,乡村在各个方面引起社会、学界广泛关注。传统的乡村规划方法多从田野调查入手,通过小微尺度设计及地方语言运用,进行乡村生产生活的空间布局。在信息化背景下,时空间行为分析方法已经被广泛应用在城市研究的各个方面,但对于基础设施建设相对落后的乡村地区则研究较少。本文试图将时空间行为研究方法引入乡村这一特定空间,采用G P S 设备调查乡村居民日常生活出行习惯,建立人、时间、空间及活动的对应关系,利用新技术挖掘农民出行习惯,对村庄物质环境改善提供规划建议。研究选取苏北一乡村作为调研对象,选取50 位居民作为调研志愿者,采集连续多日G P S 活动轨迹数据,结合问卷访谈内容,建立空间数据库,识别村民日常出行停留点、通过度较高的路径以及本地、外地承载的功能。本文试图采用信息化手段获取乡村居民日常生活出行信息,进而反馈到乡村空间,对空间改造提出相关建议,探索一种时空间行为分析支撑的乡村规划设计方法。 - 关键词:
时空间行为;乡村规划;GPS;公众参与; - Abstract: In the rapid urbanization stage, rural elements continue to flow into the city, causing a series of problems in the countryside. The village has attracted wide attention from society and academic circles in various aspects. Traditional rural planning methods start with field surveys, and then go through small micro-scale design and local language use, the spatial layout of rural production and life. In the context of informatization, time-space behavior analysis methods have been widely used in all aspects of urban research, but there are few studies in rural areas where infrastructure construction is relatively backward. This paper attempts to introduce the spatial space behavior research method into the specific space of the village, use GPS equipment to investigate the daily travel habits of rural residents, establish the corresponding relationship between people, time, space and activities, use new technology to explore farmers' travel habits, and the village material environment. Improve the provision of planning advice. The study selected a village in northern Jiangsu as the research object, selected 50 residents as research volunteers, collected continuous multi-day GPS activity trajectory data, combined with the content of the questionnaire interview, and established a spatial database to identify the daily travel stop points of the villagers and the higher pass path. And the functions carried locally and in the field. This paper attempts to use information technology to obtain the daily travel information of rural residents, and then feed back to the rural space, propose relevant suggestions for space transformation, and explore a rural planning design method supported by time space behavior analysis.
- Key words: time space behavior; rural planning; GPS; public participation
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