- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)12-0062-09
- 中图分类号:F294 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.12.009
- 项目基金:江苏省教育厅社科项目:城市现代化背景下老旧小区物业设施管理与老年人生活质量关系研究(2017SJB0513)。
- 作者简介:于世旺(1985-),男,三江学院土木工程学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:设施管理、物业管理;
梁美容 (1966-),博士,香港城市大学副教授,研究方向:设施管理,工程管理;
- 养老院设施管理状况与老年人生活质量关系研究
- Study on the Relationship between Elders’ Quality of Life and Facilities Management in Homes for the Aged
- 浏览量:
- 于世旺 梁美容 黄安永
- YU Shiwang LIANG Meirong HUANG Anyong
- 摘要:
老龄化社会背景下,养老院养老是当前中国老年人主要的养老方式之一。合资格的设施管理服务有助于提升养老院老年人的生活质量,是“老有所养”的重要保障。本研究在南京市选取4 家养老院,对居住在内的老年人进行生活质量及设施管理的问卷调查。数据分析显示,居住环境中宽度、布局、通风、医疗、呼叫设施和家具对于生理健康有直接影响;心理健康直接受无障碍性、呼叫设施及员工影响;社交关系主要由无障碍性、宽度、清洁和插座预测。为改善当前我国养老院设施管理状况,提升老年人生活质量,对老年人、养老院及当地政府提出若干改进措施。 - 关键词:
养老院;老年人;生活质量;设施管理; - Abstract: In the background of population aging, living in the home for the aged is a main way of cares for the aged. As an important guarantee of “a sense of security”, a qualified facilities management service can help to improve elders’ quality of life. A questionnaire study on the quality of life and facilities management for elders in home for the aged was taken in 4 selected homes for the aged in Nanjing. The result of data analysis shows that layout, ventilation, medical facilities, calling facilities and furniture had direct influence on the physical health of elders, while the psychological health was impacted by accessibility, calling facilities and staff. The result also confirmed the direct influence of width, cleaning and switches on social relationship. To improve the quality of life, several suggestions were proposed for elders, homes for the aged, and local government.
- Key words: home for the aged; elders; quality of life; facilities management
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