- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)12-0033-07
- 中图分类号:F294 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.12.005
- 作者简介:刘辰阳,中国城市规划设计研究院上海分院,规划师,研究方向:城市设计与城市开发管理;
- “空间正义”视角下老旧住区公共空间更新实施机制优化研究
- Study on Optimization of Implementation Mechanism of Public Space Renewal in Old Settlements from the Perspective of "Space Justice"
- 浏览量:
- 刘辰阳 田宝江 刘忆瑶
- LIU Chenyang TIAN Baojiang LIU Yiyao
- 摘要:
随着使用年限的不断增长,城市老旧住区公共空间面临着环境陈旧,设施老化等一系列问题,在以政府为主导的老旧住区公共空间的更新实践中,管理者和规划师往往试图通过广泛的公众参与来实现更新规划的公平正义,但更新程序与协商机制的不完善反而激化了居民之间的矛盾,要解决空间资源分配中的矛盾,首先应确立一个具有普遍意义的价值观。本文通过回顾“空间正义”的理论源头,反思了当前老旧住区更新中的“非正义”问题,并以实地调研访谈为基础,从实现住区更新的“正义”出发,提出了能够优化住区公共空间更新实施机制的若干策略。 - 关键词:
空间正义;老旧住区;公共空间更新;实施机制; - Abstract: With the continuous growth of the service life, old urban residential areas are facing the issues of degradation environment and aging facilities. In the practice of micro renewal of public space in old residential areas led by the government, officials and planners often try to achieve the fairness and justice of updated planning through extensive public participation. However, the incomplete mechanism of renewal and consultation has intensified the conflicts between residents. To solve the conflicts in the allocation of space resources, a universal value should be established first. This paper reviews the theoretical source of "space justice", reflects the "non-justice" problem in current old residential district renewal and then based on the field investigation and interview, puts forward some strategies to optimize the implementation mechanism of the renewal of public space in the residential area.
- Key words: space justice; old settlements; public space renewal; implementation mechanism
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