- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)12-0111-06
- 中图分类号:F592 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.12.016
- 项目基金:国家旅游局2017年度万名旅游英才计划研究型英才培养项目,项目名称:台胞赴大陆团体旅游的旅游流网络特征研究,编号:WMYC20171054。
- 作者简介:张卉,女,南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,博士研究生;
- 台胞入境旅游线路的空间格局与特征分析
- Spatial Patterns and Characteristics of Taiwan Compatriots’ Travel Itinerary on the Main
- 浏览量:
- 张卉 张家榕
- ZHANG Hui ZHANG Jiarong
- 摘要:
本文对台湾雄狮旅行社2351条线路行程以及包含的省市级行政单位进行提取和量化分析后发现:在入境游的基本特征方面,台湾同胞倾向于选择知名度较大或和台湾本地旅游资源差异较大的旅游热点区域,并对枢纽型目的地较为依赖;在线路的空间模式方面,台湾团队客源主要选择多目的地完全环游模式和区域环游模式,并且主要以途经一个省级行政单位的路线为主;在线路的空间分布方面,在全国范围尺度中呈现出强烈的空间聚集特征,形成“三带两圈”的聚集分布特征。 - 关键词:
台湾;入境游;线路模式;目的地类型;空间格局; - Abstract: For more than 30 years, Chinese inbound tourism has developed rapidly. However, the regional difference of Chinese inbound tourism is huge, and the development of it is so unbalanced. Based on the statistical analysis of 2351 travel agency’s itineraries of the Taiwan compatriots’ inbound travel, this study draws three main conclusions about the travel itinerary patterns, tourist destination types, spatial patterns and structures. Firstly, most of the Taiwan tourists aim to choose the tourist area with greater popularity or greater differences to Taiwan local tourism resource. Secondly, the itineraries of Taiwan compatriots are mainly constructed in one province, and the models of travel itineraries route are mainly full loop and destination area loop. Thirdly, at the city level, it forms three main lines and two main circles.
- Key words: Taiwan; inbound travel; travel itinerary pattern; destination type; spatial pattern
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