- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)12-0071-08
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.12.010
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金项目“高校科技成果转化促进创新型人才培养的作用机制与实证研究”(17BJY022)资助。
- 作者简介:姜春,复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院,博士研究生;
- 共享单车协同治理有效性测度及建构维向:基于贝叶斯网络的视角
- Synergistic Effectiveness Measurement and Construction Dimension of Shared Bicycle Governance: Based on Bayesian Network
- 浏览量:
- 姜春 陈红喜 陈晓歌 关聪
- JIANG Chun CHEN Hongxi CHEN Xiaoge GUAN Cong
- 摘要:
有效的协同治理是社会共治共享格局的理论蕴意,也是回应人们对美好生活向往的践行标尺。通过将贝叶斯网络方法引入共享单车治理三方协同,开发治理协同度影响因素三维体系,构建治理协同度贝叶斯网络模型,分析了协同度差异的诱因以及各变量间的因果和结构关系,识别出关键因子,提出优化协同治理有效性的实现路径。研究发现:政府部门、共享单车企业以及社会公众对治理协同度贡献程度存在差异性,其中共享单车企业子系统对整个治理系统协同度产生较强的促进作用;同步提高共享单车企业子系统与政府部门子系统治理协同度,对整个系统治理协同产生显著贡献。从坚持协同是治理的关键,政府部门是治理的主导和共享单车企业是治理的主体三方面,可有效改善共享单车协同治理能力与水平。 - 关键词:
共享单车;治理;协同度;贝叶斯网络; - Abstract: Effective collaborative governance is the theoretical implication of the social co-governing and sharing pattern, and it is also a yardstick for responding to people's longing for a better life. The Bayesian network theory was introduced on the basis of tripartite cooperation in sharing bicycles. Through the development of the three-dimensional system of the influencing factors of collaborative bicycle sharing, the Bayesian network of collaborative governance degree was constructed and the incentives for the differences in synergy and the variables were analyzed. The causal and structural relationships identify the key factors of governance synergy and give rise strategies. The research indicates that the collaborative governance degree between government departments and shared bicycle companies contributes significantly to the improvement of the overall system governance collaboration. During the governance, adhering to collaboration is the vital effector and it focuses on improving the synergy between the two governance entities of government departments and shared bicycle companies, which can better improve collaborative governance degree and strengthen the ability and level of collaborative governance.
- Key words: shared bicycle; governance; coordination degree; Bayesian Network
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