- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)02-0108-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.02.015
- 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(17YJ A760050);华南理工大学亚热 带建筑科学国家重点实验室开放课题(2019Z B07);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 (YX2013-18);北京市自然科学基金资助项目(8172034)。
- 作者简介:王静文,北京林业大学园林学院,华南理工大学亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验 室;
- 屯堡聚落空间形态的句法图解及其适应性研究——以云山屯堡为例
- The Research of Syntactic Diagrams and Ecological Adaptability for Spatial Morphology of Tunpu Traditional Settlement: A Case Study of Yunshan Tunpu
- 浏览量:
- 王静文 王仲宇
- WANG Jingwen WANG Zhongyu
- 摘要:
作为一种独特的文化现象,贵州安顺屯堡聚落是在明朝军屯制度的推动下,江淮移民基于本初的 汉文化传统,融合贵州山川地貌所造就的半军事半农居的产物。本文以安顺云山屯堡为研究案例, 借助空间句法与生态适应性等理论,并引入相关量化分析软件,对其聚落空间形态进行句法图解, 进而系统分析与探讨其自然与人文生态适应性,尝试把握屯堡聚落空间形式之后独特的建构机制 与组织逻辑,从个体屯堡聚落的探讨来完善屯堡聚落空间形态的研究,以期对屯堡聚落保护与可 持续发展有所启示和借鉴。 - 关键词:
屯堡聚落;自然生态适应性;人文生态适应性;空间句法; - Abstract: As a unique cultural phenomenon in Guizhou, under the impetus of the Ming dynasty military system Anshun Tunpu settlement is the semi-agricultural and semi-military production which Jianghuai Han immigrants created based on the original traditional Chinese culture and Guizhou landscape. With the help of space syntax and ecological adaptability theory, and the introduction of quantitative analysis software, the paper tries to analyze the syntactic diagram of the settlement spatial morphology as the case study of Yunshan Tunpu. Then the paper systematically analyzes and discusses the natural and humanistic ecological adaptability for spatial morphology of Tunpu traditional settlement, and tries to grasp the unique construction mechanism and organizational logic after the spatial morphology of Tunpu settlement. The research can perfect the study on the spatial morphology of the settlement from the perspective of individual settlement, and also be used for reference by the protection and sustainable development for tradition settlement.
- Key words: Tunpu settlements; natural ecological adaptability; social ecological adaptability; space syntax
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