- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)02-0078-08
- 中图分类号:F290;TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.02.011
- 作者简介:卞文涛(1992-),苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向: 城乡规划学;
侯爱敏(1975-),通信作者,博士,苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院、苏州城乡一体化改革 发展研究院,副教授,主要研究方向:城市生态、城乡规划、行政区划等。
- 权力与空间不同组合对区域经济发展的影响研究——以苏南典型政区为例
- Research on the Influence of Different Combinations of Power and Space on Regional Economic Development: A Case Study of a Typical Political District in Southern Jiangsu
- 浏览量:
- 卞文涛 侯爱敏
- BIAN Wentao HOU Aimin
- 摘要:
全球尺度重构背景下,以苏南典型政区为例,基于权力、空间耦合联动视角,考察了苏南典型政 区经济发展。首先将权力、空间联动模式分为 4 种 :高资源配置权 + 战略空间 ;低资源配置权 + 非战略空间 ;低资源配置权 + 战略空间 ;高资源配置权 + 非战略空间。此路径下,苏南典型政 区经济发展呈现如下特征 :(1)当城市内权力体系和空间体系同构时 :1.“高配 + 战略”组合下 的政区易于吸引核心经济要素的集聚,成长为区域经济发展的重要增长极 ;2.“低配 + 非战略” 组合在发展前期服务于重点政区,而后期能借助增长极的扩散效应取得稳步发展。(2)当城市 权力体系和空间体系异构时 :1.“低配 + 战略”组合会致使该政区内的战略性空间资源在低权 力平台上耗散 ;2.“高配 + 非战略”组合下的政区又无法在短期内释放制度供给力,进而导致整 个城市在区域竞争中的失败。 - 关键词:
权力;空间;组合;区域经济; - Abstract: Under the background of global scale reconstruction, taking the typical political districts of southern Jiangsu as an example, the economic development of the typical political districts in southern Jiangsu was examined based on the linkage of power and spatial coupling. First, the power and spatial linkage model is divided into four types: high-resource allocation rights + strategic space; low-resource allocation rights + non-strategic space; low-resource allocation rights + strategic space; high-resource allocation rights + non-strategic space. Under this path, the economic development of typical political districts in southern Jiangsu shows the following characteristics: 1. When the power system and space system within a city are isomorphic, (1) the political districts under the high allocation + strategic combination tend to attract the gathering of core economic elements and grow into the important growth pole of regional economic development; (2) the low-grade + non-strategic combination serves the key political districts in the early stage of development, and can use the proliferation effect of the growth pole to achieve steady development in the later period. 2. When the urban power system and the spatial system are heterogeneous, (1) the low-grade + strategic combination will cause the strategic space resources within the administrative area to dissipate on the low-power platform, (2) under the high allocation + non-strategic combination the political districts are unable to release the institutional supply in the short term, which in turn leads to the failure of the entire city in regional competition.
- Key words: power; space; combination; regional economy
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