- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)04-0106-06
- 中图分类号:F301.24;TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.04.015
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金重大项目:基于智慧技术的滨海大城市安全策略与综合防灾措施研究(13&ZD162);青海省社会科学规划项目:新型城镇化进程中青海高原藏区城镇生态安全格局优化战略研究(17020)。
- 作者简介:蒋贵彦,女,天津大学建筑学院博士研究生,研究方向为城乡规划与区域地理;运迎霞,女,天津大学建筑学院城市规划系主任,教授,博士生导师,全国城市规划学会理事,全国城市规划专业指导委员会委员,研究方向为城市规划设计及其理论,生态城市和生态居住区规划及理论;
- 基于GIS-MCR高寒藏区城镇生态安全格局构建及空间发展策略 ——以青海省玉树市为例
- Ecological Security Pattern Establishment and Spatial Development Strategies in the Areas of Alpine Tibetan-inhibited Region Based on GIS and MCR :A Case Study in Yushu of Qinghai Province
- 浏览量:
- 蒋贵彦 运迎霞 任利剑
- JIANG Guiyan YUN Yingxia REN Lijia
- 摘要:
以高寒藏区典型城镇玉树市为例,在 G IS、RS 技术支持下,通过地质灾害、生态敏感性、生物保护和水资源敏感性识别生态源地,根据地形位、土地利用类型和主要交通线构建生态阻力面,基于最小累积阻力模型(MC R)识别生态廊道,进而提出生态安全适应性下玉树市城乡空间发展策略。结果表明:①低、中、高 3 个不同安全水平格局分别占研究区总面积的 34.90%、 50.41%、14.64%,适宜城镇发展建设的空间非常有限;②重要生态源地面积 4756.5k m2,占全区的 30.98% ;生态廊道总长度为 740.84k m,源间生态廊道连通程度低;③在生态安全格局构建的基础上,提出生态安全适应性下玉树市在城乡布局、生态空间布局及产业布局上的发展策略,旨在为高寒藏区城镇空间规划体系提供参考与借鉴。 - 关键词:
生态安全格局;高寒藏区;GIS-MCR;玉树市;城镇空间; - Abstract: Taking Yushu city, a typical town in the high-altitude Tibetan area, as an example, with the support of GIS and RS technology, the ecological source is identified through geological disasters, ecological sensitivity, biological protection and water sensitivity, according to topography, land use type and main traffic lines. The ecological resistance surface is constructed, and the ecological corridor is identified based on the minimum cumulative resistance model (MCR), and then the urban and rural spatial development strategy of Yushu city under ecological security adaptation is proposed. The results show that: 1 low, medium and high three different safety level patterns account for 34.90%, 50.41% and 14.64% of the total area of the study area respectively. The space suitable for urban development and construction is very limited; 2 the important ecological source area is 4756.5km2, accounting for 30.98% of the whole area; the total length of the ecological corridor is 740.84km, and the connectivity of the ecological corridors between the sources is low; 3based on the construction of the ecological security pattern, the layout of the urban and rural areas and the ecological space of Yushu city under the ecological security adaptation are proposed. The development strategy of industrial layout aims to provide reference for the urban spatial planning system of the high-cold Tibetan areas.
- Key words: ecological security pattern; alpine Tibetan-inhibited region; GIS-MCR; Yushu city; urban space
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