- 交通可达性对城镇发展的影响
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)04-0024-09
- 中图分类号:U125 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.04.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“电商物流网络组织及其城市空间响应——以重庆市为案例”(项目编号:41671159);中央高校基本科研业务费项目“城市‘物流蔓延’的时空演变特征及驱动机制——以重庆市主城区为案例”(项目编号:XDJK2018B011);重庆市社会科学规划重点应用项目(项目编号:2017ZDYY40)。
- 作者简介:黄言,男,西南大学地理科学学院,硕士研究生;
- 中国超大城市群陆路交通网络格局及可达性比较研究
- Comparative Study on the Spatial Pattern and Accessibility of Overland Transportation Network in China's Super-Large Urban Agglomerations
- 浏览量:
- 黄言 宗会明 罗舒畅 易峥
- HUANG Yan ZONG Huiming LUO Shuchang YI Zheng
- 摘要:
城市群已经成为中国城镇化的新常态,而交通网络作为推动区域增长的重要条件,对城市群的形成和发展影响显著。基于中国现状陆路交通网络,从交通网络数量、结构、可达性三个方面分析中国五个超大城市群交通网络布局特征及可达性格局。研究表明:①沿海城市群在交通网络密度上显著高于内陆城市群,但外围区域交通建设滞后成为各城市群的通病。同时,过度强化大城市周边交通以及交通走廊建设已经导致成渝和长江中游城市群中心出现交通网络布局的真空地带。②沿海城市群高等级路网比重更高,并已经形成覆盖核心城市和核心区域的交通骨架,内陆城市群普遍以低等级路网为主,核心城市间通行能力不足,交通设施有待改善。③高铁对城市群可达性影响显著,可达性中心往往集中于高铁枢纽和高铁沿线。其中,沿海城市群在内部可达性方面表现优越,但在对外可达性方面,京津冀城市群和内陆的长江中游城市群则表现更为突出,传统的交通区位优势依然存在。 - 关键词:
城市群;陆路交通网络;可达性;空间格局;对比研究; - Abstract: Urban agglomeration has become the new characteristic of urbanization in China. As a significant condition for promoting regional growth, transportation network has a crucial impact on the formation and development of urban agglomeration. Based on the current situation of overland transportation network in China, this paper analyzes the spatial characteristics of the traffic network and the bureau of accessibility on five super-large urban agglomerations of China. Three aspects have been discussed, including the quantity of transportation network, the structure of transportation network and the accessibility of urban agglomerations. The research results show the following: (1)The density of the transportation network in coastal urban agglomerations is significantly higher than that in inland urban agglomerations, nevertheless, low-level construction of the traffic in the peripheral area has become the common failing of the urban agglomerations. Meanwhile, the excessive strengthening of the traffic in the surrounding areas of core cities and traffic corridors has leaded to a “vacuum area” of transportation network in the center of some urban agglomerations, especially in Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. (2)The proportion of high-grade transportation network in coastal urban agglomerations is much higher, and the high-grade transportation skeleton has been formed which covered the core cities and core areas. However, the transportation network of inland urban agglomerations is mainly in low grade. The traffic capacity between core cities is insufficient and need to be improved. (3)The improvement of high-speed rail on the accessibility of urban agglomeration is significant, and the accessibility centers concentrate in high-speed rail hubs and high-speed rail lines. Especially, the coastal urban agglomerations have superior internal accessibility, while in terms of external accessibility, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration and the middle reach of Yangtze River are better, where the traditional traffic location advantage are still held.
- Key words: urban agglomeration; overland transportation network; accessibility; spatial pattern; cmparative study
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