- 特色小镇建设路径与发展机制研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)05-0002-07
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.05.001
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(51708233);湖北省社会科学基金(2018207);湖北省科技创 新计划软科学面上项目(2018A D C104);国家自然科学基金(51708234);华中科技大学创新 创业训练计划校级项目(2018A274)。
- 作者简介:单卓然,博士,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院副研究员,湖北省新型城镇化工程技术研究中心副研究员,硕士生导师,研究方向:城镇地域结构与生活圈空间组织、建成环 境对健康出行影响、城镇开发边界划定方法;
- 我国特色小城镇对近地区域经济增长贡献时空演化研究
- The Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the Contribution of China's Characteristic Towns to the Economic Growth of the Near-Region
- 浏览量:
- 单卓然 徐蕾 袁满
- SHAN Zhuoran XU Lei YUAN Man
- 摘要:
为弥补特色小城镇区域经济贡献研究不足的现况,以我国首批特色小城镇为对象,基于 2013- 2016 年工业生产总值或工业企业单位数量,利用 SPSS 和 GIS 分析国家战略介入前的特色小城镇 对近地区域经济增长贡献时空演化特征。发现 :国家战略介入前的特色小城镇整体年平均贡献 率持续低位 ;低贡献小城镇占比过半而高贡献小城镇稀缺显著,二者年平均贡献率两极分化 ;4 年间“贡献率脱贫”数量极少而“贡献率返贫”比例较高 ;贡献率全国分布渐呈多组局域性梯度 空间集聚 ;西北、中南贡献率重心向内陆收拢,华北贡献率重心外移、分布趋散,西北贡献率格 局紧凑化 ;低贡献特色小城镇的全国多中心格局渐现。建议 :鼓励东北、西北、西南扶持政策 填补 ;持续坚定完善全国均衡布局 ;开展地理分区内区域经济贡献格局评估 ;同步加大对贡献 率局域峰值地带政策倾斜和对低贡献率峰值地带政策投入 ;大幅提高现有政策投放力度。 - 关键词:
特色小城镇;区域经济增长;贡献率;时空演化; - Abstract: In order to make up for the deficiency of the study on the regional economic contribution of characteristic towns, this paper takes the first batch of characteristic towns in China as the research object, based on the data of industrial gross product or the number of industrial enterprises from 2013 to 2016, and SPSS and GIS are used to analyze the spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of the contribution rate of characteristic towns to the economic growth of the near-region before the national strategic intervention. The study found that the overall annual average contribution rate of characteristic towns before the national strategic intervention continued to be low; the proportion of characteristic towns with low contribution continued to be more than half but the situation of characteristic towns with high contribution was scarce, and the annual average contribution rate of them was polarized; in the past four years, the number of “contribution rate of being lifted out of poverty” was very small but the proportion of “contribution rate of returning to poverty” was relatively high; the contribution rate is gradually clustered in a number of local gradient spaces throughout the country; the center of contribution rate of northwest and central and South China is closing to inland, the center of contribution rate of North China is shifting outward and its distribution tends to diverge, and the pattern of contribution rate of Northwest China is compact; the national multi-center pattern of characteristic towns with low contribution is gradually emerging. Suggestions: Encouraging the filling of supporting policies in the Northeast, Northwest, and Southwest; continuing to firmly improve the national balanced layout; carrying out an assessment of the regional economic contribution pattern within the geographical division; simultaneously increasing the policy inclination to the local peak area of contribution rate and the policy input to the low peak area of contribution rate; substantially increasing the investment of existing policies.
- Key words: characteristic town; regional economic growth; contribution rate; spatial and temporal evolution
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