  • 特色小镇建设路径与发展机制研究
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)05-0017-08
  • 中图分类号:TU984;F290    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.05.003
  • 项目基金:本文获“十三五”国家重点研发计划“绿色宜居村镇技术创新”专项——“县域村 镇空间发展智能化管控与功能提升规划技术研发”项目的子课题“县域村镇规模结构优化和 规划关键技术”(批准号:2018YFD1100802)资助。
  • 作者简介:李渊文,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生; 陈晨,通信作者,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院副教授,上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限 公司城乡统筹规划研究中心主任研究员。
  • 资源依赖型小城镇特色化发展中的 产业选择与政策干预 ——以江西省温汤镇为例
  • Industrial Selection and Policy Intervention in the Thematic Development of Resource-Dependent Small Towns: The Case of Wentang Town, Jiangxi Province
  • 浏览量:
  • 李渊文 陈晨
  • LI Yuanwen CHEN Chen
  • 摘要:
    国家层面推动特色小(城)镇发展的政策号召,为大量传统小城镇转向特色化发展、构筑全新的 “城—镇—村”关系提供了历史机遇。小城镇的特色营造通常依赖于一定的具有本地根植性的资 源禀赋,而对资源的合理利用则是小城镇可持续发展的关键,这对资源依赖小城镇尤为重要。 由于本地特色资源通常具有公共物品属性,仅靠市场机制的调节有一定的局限性,政策干预是 这类小城镇优化资源配置的重要手段。江西省温汤镇因富硒温泉闻名全国,并入选了第一批中国 特色小镇,但温汤镇依托温泉资源的特色化发展历程却可以追溯至 1960 年代。本文通过文献 查阅、实地踏勘、特征人群访谈及问卷调查等方式,研究温汤镇在不同发展阶段的产业选择政策干预的关系,为其他资源依赖小城镇特色化发展提供经验借鉴。本文认为,资源依赖小城镇特色化发展的重点在于选择根植本地且能融入新型城镇网络的产业类型。随着小城镇 特色化发展进程,应通过精明的政策干预促使自然资源消耗与经济社会发展实现脱钩。在这一 过程中,还应特别关注镇区发展对周边乡村地区的带动作用,保证小城镇发展的可持续性。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The policy calls for promoting the development of characteristic small towns at the national level provides a historical opportunity for a large number of traditional small towns to turn to thematic development and build a new “city-town-village” relationship. The characteristic creation of small towns usually depends on certain resource with local embeddedness, and the rational use of these resources is the key to the sustainable development of small towns, which is especially important for resource- dependent small towns. Since local resources usually have the attributes of public goods, the regulation by market mechanism alone has certain limitations, and policy intervention has become an important means to optimize resource allocation in such small towns. Wentang town of Jiangxi province is famous for its selenium-enriched hot springs and was entitled as the first batch of Chinese characteristic towns. However, the thematic development of Wentang town relying on hot spring resources can be traced back to as early as 1960s. This paper probes into the relationship between industrial selection and policy intervention at different development stages of Wentang town through literature review, field survey, key informants interview and questionnaire survey, and provides experience for the thematic development of other resource-dependent small towns. This paper argues that it’s particularly important for the resource-dependent small towns to select the types of industries that are embedded in local development and can be integrated into the new urban network. With the thematic development of traditional small towns, policy intervention should pay attention to disconnect natural resources consumption from economic and social development. In this process, special attention should be paid to the driving role of town seat development on surrounding rural villages, and its contribution to the sustainable development of small towns.
  • Key words: small towns; thematic development; resource-dependent; industrial selection; policy intervention
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