- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)05-0114-08
- 中图分类号:F323 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.05.016
- 项目基金:国家十二五科技支撑计划“县、镇(乡)及村域规划编制关键技术研究与示范” (2014BAL04B01)。
- 作者简介:唐燕(1977-),女,博士,清华大学建筑学院城市规划系副教授,博导,主要研究方 向:城市设计、城市更新、城乡规划治理;
严瑞河(1982-),男,清华大学建筑学院,城乡规划学博士后,主要研究方向:城镇管理与区 域规划、乡村治理。
- 基于农民意愿的健康乡村规划建设策略研究——以邯郸市曲周县槐桥乡为例
- Strategies for Healthy Village Planning Based on Peasants' Willingness :Taking Huaiqiao Township, Quzhou County of Handan as an Example
- 浏览量:
- 唐燕 严瑞河
- TANG Yan YAN Ruihe
- 摘要:
“健康乡村”与“健康城市”概念虽同时被提出,但在我国至今尚未形成可持续的健康乡村规划 建设模式,乡村规划的开展在很多地区仍表现为“运动式”的建设指令。因此健康乡村规划需要 从农民的价值观视角审视乡村发展需求,揭示农民对规划的主要关注点与具体意愿所在,从而通 过村民参与有的放矢地实现配套设施完备、农民满意度高的乡村建设引导。论文以邯郸市曲周 县槐桥乡为例,微观上从农民的客观需求出发获得问卷数据,宏观上从村庄统计数据着手,运用 多层模型和 HLM 软件分析得出乡村规划中影响农民决策意愿的主要因素,包括医疗、规划参与 和小学教学质量等,并基于此提出医疗防治与教育并举、农民引导与自组织同步、出行守规与安 全共管等健康乡村规划建设举措。 - 关键词:
健康乡村;乡村规划;农民意愿;多层模型; - Abstract: Although the concepts of “healthy villages” and “healthy cities” have been proposed at the same time, no sustainable rural planning and construction model has been formed in China, and the development of rural planning still appears as “sports-style” construction instructions in many areas. Therefore, healthy rural planning needs to examine the rural development needs from the perspective of farmers' values, revealing the main concerns and specific wishes of farmers for planning. The paper takes Qiqiao township, Quzhou county, Handan city as an example. Microscopically, the questionnaire data is obtained from the objective needs of farmers. Macroscopically, starting from the village statistics, the multi-layer model and HLM software analysis are used to analyze the decision-making willingness of farmers in rural planning. The main factors include medical care, planning participation and quality of primary school teaching. Based on this, the medical prevention and education are combined, farmers' guidance and self-organization are synchronized, and the rural planning and construction measures such as travel compliance and safety co-management are taken.
- Key words: healthy village; rural planning; peasants’ willingness; hierarchical liner modeling
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