- 特色小镇建设路径与发展机制研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)05-0025-05
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.05.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上基金(51678517)。
- 作者简介:曹康,浙江大学区域与城市规划系副教授;
- 空间生产视角下特色小镇发展机制研究 ——以杭州梦想小镇为例
- A Study of the Characteristic Town Development Mechanism from the Perspective of Space Production: A Case Study of Hangzhou Dream Town
- 浏览量:
- 曹康 刘梦琳
- CAO Kang LIU Menglin
- 摘要:
随着经济增速由高速增长转为中高速增长,中国经济进入新常态,但城市化率仍处于快速上 升时期。在此背景下,中国各地区采取了不同的提振经济而又符合城市化发展特征的战略措施, 浙江特色小镇战略正是作为新常态下区域经济转型升级的一大举措被提出的。杭州梦想小镇作 为浙江特色小镇之一,其建设发展结合了区域经济发展趋势,贴合当地产业背景,实施效果显著。 认为梦想小镇的产生有其特殊性,是时间与空间条件耦合的结果。基于空间生产理论,从空间 转型、实施路径以及影响作用等方面对梦想小镇发展机制进行解析,提出特色小镇规划及实施 建议,以期为中国特色小镇的建设发展提供参考。 - 关键词:
经济转型;产业升级;特色小镇;梦想小镇;空间生产; - Abstract: China’s economy has been in a stage called New Normal as its economic growth has shifted from high to medium-high speed development. However, China’s urbanization rate is still increasing fast. Against this context, various regions in China adopt diversified strategies and policies to boost the economy and in line with urban development. Zhejiang province characteristic town strategy, as one of the major policies of regional economy transformation in the context of the New Normal, was proposed in 2013. As one of the Zhejiang province characteristic towns, Hangzhou Dream Town keeps pace with the flow of regional economy and meets the local industrial background, and the implementation effect of the construction of this town is remarkable. We argue that the production of the Dream Town is special and is the result of coupling of time and space conditions. From the perspective of space production theory, we elaborate the development mechanism of the Dream Town from the aspects of spatial transformation, implementation path and influence. Furthermore, we try to propose some suggestions to the planning and implementation of characteristic town as reference for the construction and development of similar town in China.
- Key words: economic transformation; industrial upgrading; characteristic town; Dream Town; space production
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