- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)05-0106-08
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.05.015
- 作者简介:魏玉君,中国科学院大学公共政策与管理学院博士生在读,研究方向为政府管理 与社会治理;
叶中华,中国科学院大学公共政策与管理学院公共管理系主任,M PA中心主任,教授,博士生 导师,研究方向为政府管理与社会治理。
- 东亚国家首都地区新城人口疏解路径及对雄安新区的启示
- Demonstration of Population Dispersal in East Asian Capital and its Enlightenment to Xiong'an New District
- 浏览量:
- 魏玉君 叶中华
- WEI Yujun YE Zhonghua
- 摘要:
北京过高的人口压力导致了严重的“大城市病”,而雄安新区在承接北京人口疏解上能够有效地 缓解北京的交通、人口等城市问题。本文梳理了韩国首尔和日本东京的人口疏解经验,总结出 其人口疏解的四大模式 :一是政策诱导下的利益驱动模式 ;二是行政单位迁移的机构牵拉模式 ; 三是公共资源倾斜的服务吸附模式 ;四是交通流支撑的时空压缩模式。而通过分析雄安的自身 特点,借鉴日韩的经验,本文认为雄安新区在承接北京人口疏解的上需要从四个方面着手 :政府 主导,完善新区公共服务建设 ;利益引导,完成企事业优惠迁入 ;科技驱动,打造新区智慧交通 圈 ;知识引领,建设创新科学城。 - 关键词:
雄安新区;人口疏解策略;东京;首尔; - Abstract: Beijing's high population pressure has led to serious “big city diseases”, and Xiong'an New District can effectively alleviate Beijing's traffic and population problems in Beijing's population. This paper combs the experience of population disintegration in Seoul, Korea and Tokyo, Japan, and summarizes the four modes of population disintegration: one is the interest-driven model under policy guidance; the other is the institutional pull model of administrative unit migration; the third is the tilt of public resources- service adsorption mode; Fourth, the space-time compression mode supported by traffic flow. By analyzing Xiong'an's own characteristics and drawing on the experience of Japan and South Korea, this paper believes that Xiong'an New District needs to start from four aspects in order to undertake Beijing's population deconstruction.
- Key words: Xiong'an New District; population easing strategy; Tokyo; Seoul
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