- 共享单车管理优化策略研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)06-0002-07
- 中图分类号:[U-9] 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.06.001
- 作者简介:陈霈琛,西北大学城市与环境学院城乡规划系;
- 多方共治:西安共享单车停放优化策略研究 ——基于摩拜单车网络爬虫数据的分析
- Cooperative Governance: A Research on Optimizing Parking Strategy of Dockless Shared Bicycle: An Analysis Based on Web Crawler Data of Xi’an Mobike
- 浏览量:
- 陈霈琛 董欣
- CHEN Peichen DONG Xin
- 摘要:
本文通过对摩拜共享单车客户端数据的抓取与分析,构建了“堆积程度”与“使用热度”两个指 标来衡量共享单车的分布情况与运行状态。发现西安的共享单车具有以下特征 :首先,西安城 区范围内共享单车呈现“才”字型分布,西安二环以内借还车行为分布均匀,但借还车高峰区域 分布在二环外侧的多个节点 ;其次,车辆堆积越严重,空间的边际借还数量越低 ;第三,车辆 高使用率地区通常位于用地性质单一的区域和公交可进入性差的边缘地区 ;第四,在一些地段自 组织地出现了位置固定的单车“准车站”。根据以上特征提出共享单车的停放策略应综合考虑城 市土地利用现状与发展规划,与公共交通设施互补发展,与城市规划、城市建设相协调。 - 关键词:
共享单车;网络爬虫数据;多方共治;停放策略;堆积程度;使用热度; - Abstract: Through the capture and analysis of Mobike shared bicycle client data, this paper constructs two indicators of “stacking degree” and “use heat” to measure the distribution and running status of shared bicycles. It is found that the shared bicycles in Xi'an have the following characteristics: Firstly, the shared bicycles in the urban area of Xi'an show the distribution of “cai” characters, and the distribution of bicycles within the second ring of Xi'an is evenly distributed, but the peak area of the borrowed vehicles is distributed on the outer side of the second ring. Secondly, the more serious the vehicle accumulation, the lower the amount of marginal borrowing of space; thirdly, the high-use area of the vehicle is usually located in the area with single nature of land use and the marginal area with poor accessibility of public transport; Fourth, fixed-position bicycle "quasi-station" appeared in the area. According to the above characteristics, the parking strategy of shared bicycles should comprehensively consider the urban land use status and development planning, complement the development of public transportation facilities, and coordinate with urban planning and urban construction.
- Key words: shared bicycle; web crawler; spatial analysis; parking strategy; congestion level; use heat
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