- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)06-0039-08
- 中图分类号:G40;TU981 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.06.006
- 项目基金:“2018年北京林业大学建设世界一流大学和一流学科及特色发展引导专项师资 队伍建设—风景园林学”项目;国家社会科学基金“基于城乡人口变化的中小学布局优化模型及政策路径研究”(批准号:14B G L149);国家自然科学基金“基于步行指数评估快速公交站点周边日常服务设施分布状况——以厦门市B R T一号线为例”(批准号: 51508208)。
- 作者简介:毕波,北京林业大学园林学院城乡规划系讲师;
- 美国就学反隔离相关政策成效评述 及其对我国的启示
- American School and Housing Desegregation Policy Study Review and the Planning Implications for China
- 浏览量:
- 毕波 林文棋 许俊萍
- BI Bo LIN Wenqi XU Junpin
- 摘要:
伴随着社会经济转型,我国城市就学的社会空间隔离现象增多,对教育公平直接或潜在的影响 不应低估。为充实规划师对相关干预工具的理解,本文回顾了美国就学反隔离相关政策从强制 到自愿、从以学校为中心到整合居住的演进历程,评述其成效。自“布朗案”以来,美国经历了曲折的就学反隔离历程,校车、择校项目、MTO、HOPEVI、包容性区划等政策影响结论多元。 通过比较,本文指出加强迁居就学指导、通过公共住房和社区复兴项目整合就学机会的重要性及启发意义,并强调了我国城市规划倡导就学公平行动和研究的责任。 - 关键词:
就学反隔离;住房政策;成就差距;美国; - Abstract: Along with the social and economic transformation, the social space isolation phenomenon in China’s cities is increasing, and the direct or potential impact on education equity should not be underestimated. In order to enrich the planner’s understanding of relevant intervention tools, this paper reviews the evolution of the US anti-segregation related policies and reviews its effectiveness. Since the “Brown Case”, the United States has experienced a tortuous process of anti-segregation, school bus, school selection, MTO, HOPE VI, inclusive zoning and other policy impact conclusions. By comparison, this paper points out the importance of enlightening migration guidance, integrating the opportunities for enrollment through public housing and community rehabilitation projects, and highlighting the importance of enlightenment in China’s urban planning advocacy for fair action and research.
- Key words: school desegregation; housing policy; achievement gap; the US
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