- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)06-0047-07
- 中图分类号:TU984.2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.06.007
- 作者简介:刘剑锋(1978-),男,博士,北京建筑大学建筑与城市规划学院副教授,高级城市 规划师,国家注册城市规划师;
- 从“住改他”用地的研究引申对北京老城街区治理的思考——在大栅栏课题中的研究与体会
- Reflection on the Transformed Land of Residence and Extensive Reflections on Community Governance in Beijing Old Town: Research Based on the Experience in the Dashilar Research Project
- 浏览量:
- 刘剑锋 姜淼
- LIU Jianfeng JIANG Miao
- 摘要:
大栅栏地区的城市体检与街区诊断是在新版北京总规的要求下第一批开展研究的课题,同时在当前北京“疏解整治促提升”的工作中,街道社区对自身现状也有进行全面摸底、深度分析、科 学治理的迫切需求。本文以大栅栏课题的实践为例,以“住改他”用地为研究对象,从研究对 象尺度界定、分析逻辑和工具平台搭建、数据采集与处理等方面构建研究方法,介绍了“住改他” 用地的总量、用地结构、空间分布、产权特征各方面的分析与发现。同时从深入研究和调查访谈 中也反馈出老城街区治理面临的一些深层次问题,包括规划模式与业态管控标准、部门协调与信 息统筹、定期诊断与规划反馈、产权改革与制度完善等问题,仍急需不断探讨与推进。 - 关键词:
“住改他”用地;街区治理;老城;大栅栏; - Abstract: The urban physical examination and block diagnosis in the Dashilan area is the first batch of research projects under the requirements of the new Beijing general regulations. At the same time, in the current work of Beijing to rectify and promote, the street community has a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of its current status for urgent need for scientific governance. Taking the practice of the Dashilan project as an example, this paper takes the transformed land of residence as the research object, and constructs research methods from the definition of research object scale, analysis logic and tool platform construction, data collection and processing, and introduces the transformed land of residence. Analysis is implemented to study all aspects of land use, land use structure, spatial distribution, and property rights. At the same time, from the in-depth research and investigation interviews, some deep-seated problems faced by the governance of the old town block, including planning mode and business management standards, department coordination and information coordination, regular diagnosis and planning feedback, property rights reform and system improvement, are also reported. There is still an urgent need to continue to explore and advance.
- Key words: transformed land of residence; community governance; old town; Dashilar area
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