- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)06-0111-07
- 中图分类号:K928.6 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.06.015
- 作者简介:彭蛟,武汉大学历史学院博士研究生,研究方向为文化遗产保护。
- 近代城市空间拓展视野下的街巷历史文化价值认识——以汉口为例
- The Understanding of Historical and Cultural Values of Streets and Alleys in the View of Modern Urban Space Expansion: A Case Study of Hankow
- 浏览量:
- 彭蛟
- PENG Jiao
- 摘要:
街巷作为城市空间的骨架和城市文化的载体,是城市文化遗产保护的重要内容。文章按4条城市边界,梳理了近代汉口城市空间拓展轮廓 ;基于GIS 分华界旧有街巷、租界街巷、华界新建街巷3类,系统讨论了汉口街巷发展演变过程,梳理了城市空间拓展脉络。最后,以部分重要街巷 为例,在城市整体时空框架中分析认识了其历史文化价值。 - 关键词:
街巷;城市空间;汉口;文化遗产; - Abstract: Streets and alleys are important parts of the protection of urban cultural heritage as the skeleton of urban space and the carrier of urban culture. According to four urban boundaries, this paper combeds the outline of modern Hankow's urban expansion. Based on GIS, the evolution process of the streets in concession, old and new streets in Chinese section were analyzed. Taking some important streets as example, the value of streets was analyzed and understood in the whole urban space-time framework.
- Key words: streets; urban space; Hankow; cultural heritage
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