  • 乡村振兴的路径与策略研究
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)07-0034-08
  • 中图分类号:TU984.29    文献标识码:A
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.07.005
  • 项目基金:十三五国家科技计划课题(2018Y F C0704705):基于地域风貌特色传承的县域城镇低碳规划设计研究;苏州市社会科学基金项目(Y2019L X036);江苏省江苏高校品牌专业建设工程资助项目;江苏高校优势学科建设工程三期工程资助项目。
  • 作者简介:刘宇舒(1987-),博士研究生,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院助理研究员; 王振宇(1986-),博士研究生,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院助理研究员; 程文(1963-),博士研究生,哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院教授、博士生导师; 张振龙(1980-),通信作者,博士研究生,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院副教授。
  • 乡村振兴下东北农林地区村镇空间发展与治理策略
  • Spatial Development and Governance Strategy of Villages and Towns Agroforestry Region in Northeast China under Rural Revitalization
  • 浏览量:
  • 刘宇舒 王振宇 程文 张振龙
  • LIU Yushu WANG Zhenyu CHENG Wen ZHANG Zhenlong
  • 摘要:
    东北地区农林空间占全域总面积80% 以上,承载着国家粮食主产区和生态功能区的重要职能,但在城镇化进程中也显示出环境承载力下降、农林转型动力匮乏、二三产业发展低效无序、村镇空间布局零散等突出问题。本研究以实施乡村振兴战略为导引,依托典型村镇聚落调查,针对村镇空间现状特征和矛盾问题,契合村镇资源特征与发展目标,尝试提出以农林生产和生态保障为核心的绿色发展思路,从绿色集约与功能重识、绿色资源与空间配置、绿色产业与三产融合、绿色人居与差异发展等方面构建支撑东北地区村镇空间发展与治理框架,旨在从基本层面提升东北农林地区村镇空间发展与治理的科学性与实效性,为乡村振兴战略的实施提供空间规划策略与技术路径。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Agroforestry space accounts for more than 80% of the total area in Northeast China. It carries the important functions of national grain production and ecological maintenance. However, in the process of urbanization, it also shows that the environmental carrying capacity is declining, the agroforestry transformation dynamic is lacking, and the secondary and tertiary industries development is inefficient and in disorder, space layout of villages and towns is scattered. Based on the implementation of rural revitalization strategy, this study relies on the typical village and town settlement survey addressing the current situation and contradictions, fitting the characteristics of the village and town resources and development goals, and attempts to propose green development ideas which takes agroforestry production and ecological security as the core. From intensive and functional re-recognition, green resources and space allocation, green industry and industry integration, green habitat and differential development four aspects to build a framework of space development and governance of villages and towns in Northeast China, aiming to improve the scientific and effectiveness of space development and governance, and provides spatial planning strategies and technical paths for the implementation of rural revitalization strategies.
  • Key words: Northeast China; agroforestry region; rural revitalization; development and governance of villages and towns
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