- 城镇化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)07-0073-07
- 中图分类号:F127.8 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.07.010
- 项目基金:西南民族大学研究生创新型科研项目“边境特色小城镇发展模式的系统动力学分析”(编号:CX2018SZ155);西南民族大学研究生创新型科研项目“边境民族地区城镇趋同进化研究”(编号:CX2018BS17)。
- 作者简介:徐如意,西南民族大学经济学院硕士研究生,研究方向为区域经济与金融;
- 边境特色小城镇发展模式的系统动力学分析
- System Dynamics Analysis of the Development Model of Characteristic Small Towns along the Border
- 浏览量:
- 徐如意 陈田
- XU Ruyi CHEN Tian
- 摘要:
边境特色小城镇承载着“守边固边”的历史使命,它的发展和稳定关乎着党提出的脱贫事业和全面小康社会的实现。边境地区的特色小城镇存在诸多共性,在构建边境特色小城镇发展系统结构模型基础上,引入系统动力学方法,以广西大新县为例,进行系统动力学模拟分析,探求边境特色小城镇成功模式的因果链和流系统,提出适合边境特色小城镇发展的共性模式。结果表明:大新县是以旅游业和工业为主导、边境贸易和农业为辅的发展模式;创新可以促进产业结构升级和发展,为小城镇提供发展动力和活力;绿色生态是小城镇可持续发展道路的基石。建议: 边境地区的特色小城镇应积极发挥生态优势和自然资源禀赋优势,找准当地的特色产业,不断地进行创新;培养和发展优势产业,避免同质化的竞争,走因地制宜、创新引领、绿色生态的城镇化道路。 - 关键词:
边境特色小城镇;发展模式;系统动力学; - Abstract: Characteristic small towns along the border carry the historical mission of “guarding and solidifying the border”. Its development and stability are related to the party’s alleviation of poverty and the realization of a comprehensive well-off society which are led by the Communist Party of China. There are many common features in the characteristic small towns in the border areas. Based on the construction of the system structure model of border small town development, the system dynamics is introduced. Taking Daxin county of Guangxi province for example, the system dynamics simulation analysis is carried out to explore the successful mode of small towns with border features. The causal chain and flow system proposes a common pattern suitable for the development of small towns with border features. It is concluded that development model of Daxin is dominated by tourism and industry, supplemented by border trade and agriculture; innovation can promote industrial structure upgrading and developing, and provide development impetus and vitality for small towns; green ecology is the cornerstone of the sustainable development of small towns. It is suggested that the characteristic small towns in the border areas should give full play to the advantages of ecological advantages and natural resource endowments, identify local characteristic industries, and maintain constant innovation. In addition, it should cultivate and develop industries with comparative advantages to avoid homogeneous competition, and find a way to develop small towns along the border according to local conditions.
- Key words: special small towns along the border; development mode; system dynamics
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