- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)08-0075-10
- 中图分类号:TU984.2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.08.010
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金“我国港澳台地区城市更新中的公共治理机制及其借鉴研究”(项目批准号:15BGL213)。
- 作者简介:郭湘闽,博士,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),副教授;
- 高密度挑战下的香港市区重建规划机制研究
- A Study on Urban Renewal Planning Mechanism in Hong Kong under the High-density Challenge
- 浏览量:
- 郭湘闽 李晨静 汤远洲
- GUO Xiangmin LI Chenjing TANG Yuanzhou
- 摘要:
高密度环境中的城市更新是世界范围内的城市治理难题。香港作为以人多地狭闻名的全球性大都市,其市区重建面对着高密度环境的三大典型挑战,包括大量楼宇年久失修、容积率接近甚至超出地块承载上限、楼宇业权构成极其复杂等。为此,香港在多年开展市区重建的过程中,探索出了以公私紧密协作、弹性灵活等作为特征的城市规划理念及其实施路径。本研究采用实地调研、专业访谈、数据与文献检索等方法,结合对香港特殊历史背景的考察,全面梳理了香港应对高密度城市开发环境的关键性规划举措,并对其实施特色、成效以及不足之处进行了总结。预期该研究能为内地城市的规划机制变革提供有益启示。 - 关键词:
高密度;香港;市区重建;规划机制; - Abstract: Urban renewal project under the high-density environment is challenging for the administrations worldwide. Hong Kong, a global metropolis famous for large population and scarce land, is faced with three typical challenges of the high density environment, including a large number of disrepaired buildings, limited volume ratio and extremely complicated ownerships of the disrepaired buildings. To this end, Hong Kong has explored an urban planning concept and its implementation path featuring public-private close collaboration and flexibility through the urban renewal course in the past. In this study, methods of field surveys, interviews, data and literature search were employed. Combining with an examination of the special historical background of Hong Kong, a comprehensive review of Hong Kong planning initiatives in response to high-density urban development environments was conducted, and the characteristics, effectiveness and inadequacies of its implementation were summarized. The study also provided implications for planning mechanism change of similar cities in the Mainland.
- Key words: high-density; Hong Kong; urban renewal; planning mechanism
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