- 乡村空间形态演变研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)09-0017-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.09.003
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金“闽江流域传统村落空间设计智慧图解与当代应用研究”(51778145);福建省教育厅基金“福建传统村落‘自助式’更新的规划方法研究”(JAT160053)。
- 作者简介:刘淑虎(1980-),男,福州大学建筑与城乡规划学院副教授,博士,硕导;
- 闽江流域传统村落空间特征及相关性分析
- Analysis on the Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Correlation of Traditional Villages in the Minjiang River Basin
- 浏览量:
- 刘淑虎 樊海强 王艳虎 高喜红
- LIU Shuhu FAN Haiqiang WANG Yanhu GAO Xihong
- 摘要:
基于相关研究进展的判识,采取GIS空间分析与量化测度相结合的研究方法,在识别闽江流域内315个传统村落空间特征的基础上,分析传统村落空间分布与地形、水系、人口、交通、经济之间的相关性,探讨因素影响的差异性及其作用机理,旨在为闽江流域传统村落的区域性保护对策提供依据。研究表明,闽江流域传统村落具有“梯段式、非均衡”的空间特征,依托支流形成了“两区一带”传统村落密集区;地理环境对传统村落选址影响较大,水系对距离其3km以内的传统村落影响明显,而人口密度、经济水平、道路网络整体上从积极关系逐步转变为当前的两极效应,存在显著的高—高(HH)、低—低(LL)型区位分异现象,进而影响了传统村落密集区的演化历程,折射了闽江流域传统村落分布的复杂性,这为传统村落的区域保护对策提供一定依据。 - 关键词:
闽江流域;传统村落;空间分布特征;相关性;影响因素; - Abstract: Based on the identification of relevant research progress, the combination of GIS spatial analysis and quantitative measures is used to analyze the spatial distribution of traditional villages and the topography, water system, population, and transportation based on the spatial characteristics of 315 traditional villages in the Minjiang River Basin. The correlation between the economy, the differences in the influence of the factors and the mechanism of action are aimed at providing a basis for the regional protection measures of the traditional villages in the Minjiang River Basin. The research shows that the traditional villages in the Minjiang River Basin have the spatial characteristics of “segmented and unbalanced”, and relying on the tributaries to form the “two districts and one belt” traditional village dense area; the geographical environment has a great influence on the location of traditional villages, and the water system is away from it. The influence of traditional villages within 3km is obvious, and the population density, economic level and road network are gradually changed from positive relationship to current bipolar effect. There are significant high-high (HH) and low-low (LL) type location differences. The phenomenon, in turn, affects the evolution process and influencing factors of traditional village-intensive areas, and reflects the complexity of the distribution of traditional villages in the Minjiang River Basin, which provides guidance for the regional protection measures of traditional villages.
- Key words: Minjiang River Basin; traditional villages; spatial distribution characteristics; spatial correlation; influencing factors
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