- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)09-0050-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.09.007
- 作者简介:吴珊珊,同济大学建筑系,博士后;
- 轨道交通影响下的城市商业空间:研究现状与展望
- Urban Commercial Space under the Influence of Mass Transportation: Current Status and Perspectives
- 浏览量:
- 吴珊珊 庄宇
- WU Shanshan ZHUANG Yu
- 摘要:
随着中国城市的轨道交通建设逐步进入高速发展期,轨道交通对商业空间的影响也越来越引起学界的重视。本文从150 篇文献中筛选出51篇高质量的中英文文献,并将其分为三个尺度的研究:宏观、中观和微观。这三个尺度包含商圈的产生和发展机制、新旧商圈的更替等十个关注较多的议题。文章同时总结了既有研究中常用的研究方法(如案例分析、综合打分法、分层聚类、回归分析等)及其应用。以此为基础,本文提出可能的研究内容和方法创新,对于轨道交通与商业协同优化具有重要参考价值。 - 关键词:
轨道交通;商业空间;研究现状;展望; - Abstract: Since the development of mass transportation in many Chinese cities accelerates currently, the impact of mass transportation on urban commercial space has been the focal point of the academe. This study selected 51 high quality papers from 150 related papers and divided them into three types: the macroscale studies, the mesoscale studies and the micro-scale studies. Those studies include ten sub-topics under the research area, such as the mechanism of how trading area generates and develops. Secondly, the study summarized the methodologies, such as case study and regression analysis in previous studies. The study discussed the possible innovation in research content and research methodology. The result of the study is valuable for the integration of mass transportation system and commercial development.
- Key words: mass transportation; commercial space; current status; perspective
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