- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)01-0122-09
- 中图分类号:F592 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.01.017
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(413 01191、517 7 8 3 8 8);江苏省建设系统科技项目(2018Z D243);苏州科技大学研究生教育教学改革与研究项目(S K J G18_02);苏州科技大学风景园林学学科项目。
- 作者简介:周莉(1994-),女,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生,研究方向:风景园林规划设计与理论;
- 122 旅游│ TOURISM 内生发展视角下的乡村旅游地社会网络结构分析 ——以苏州市W 村为例
- An Analysis of the Social Network Structure of Rural Tourism Destinations from the Perspective of Endogenous Development :A Case Study of W Village in Suzhou
- 浏览量:
- 周莉 丁金华 贺风春
- ZHOU Li DING Jinhua HE Fengchun
- 摘要:
乡村旅游地向内生发展模式过渡,行动者间的主体地位更迭。本文以社会网络分析法为研究方法,以苏州市W 村为案例,分析乡村旅游地的社会关系网络结构。结果表明:景区经营单位和地方各级政府单位,分别从经营管理和政策引导这两个角度,主导着W 村旅游发展;景区经营单位的中介中心度最大,初显内生式发展的特征;村民群体所体现的内生力呈明显趋利性,内生式转型尚不完全;区位优势与乡村旅游地的内生式发展进程间尚未呈正相关性。 - 关键词:
内生式发展;社会网络分析法;SNA;;乡村旅游地;村民主体; - Abstract: The development model of rural tourism destinations is transitioning from the exogenous to the endogenous. Changes in the social relations between the government, local capital, villagers, village collectives and other actors have changed their status. Taking social network analysis method (SNA) as the research method and W village as the case, this paper establishes and analyzes the social relationship network structure of rural tourism destinations in the period of development mode transformation. The results show that the scenic spots business unit and the local government units, from the two perspectives of operation management and policy guidance, dominate the tourism development of W Village; the business unit of the scenic spots has the largest degree of betweenness centrality. It shows the characteristics of the endogenous development. The endogenous power embodied by the villagers’ group is obviously profitable, and the endogenous transformation is not complete; there is no positive correlation between location advantage and endogenous process of rural tourism destination.
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