- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)01-0104-09
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.01.015
- 项目基金:江苏高校优势学科建设工程项目(城乡规划学);江苏高校品牌专业建设工程项目(城市规划);国家自然科学基金项目(项目批准号:51208330、51908390);苏州科技大学课程教学综合改革项目。
- 作者简介:张振龙,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士生导师,副教授;
- 基于实时路况的交通拥堵时空特征及其影响因素分析 ——以苏州古城区为例
- Study on Spatio-temporal Distribution of Traffic Congestion and Its Influencing Factors Based on Real-time Traffic Data: A Case Study of Ancient City in Suzhou
- 浏览量:
- 张振龙 邱煜卿 蒋灵德 刘宇舒
- ZHANG Zhenlong QIU Yuqing JIANG Lingde LIU Yushu
- 摘要:
城市化水平提高的同时交通问题也日趋严重,交通拥堵已然成为制约大中城市发展的“瓶颈”。新数据环境下我们可以获得更加丰富的城市交通特征信息来分析交通拥堵特征。研究采集连续一周的实时路况数据,通过Arc GIS 操作平台对苏州古城区范围内的常发性交通拥堵时空特征进行分析,并剖析交通拥堵发生的主要原因。研究显示:时间上,苏州古城区工作日和休息日均有两个出行高峰,但高峰时间段和峰值有所差异;工作日路况拥堵变化程度较大,潮汐现象更为明显;空间上,交通拥堵呈现“点、线”并存的特征,并有向周围区域扩散形成“面”拥堵的趋势。研究表明,常发性拥堵时空分布规律与交通供需矛盾、职住分离、路网结构、用地布局等因素存在一定相关性。 - 关键词:
交通拥堵;实时路况;G统计量;时空特征;苏州古城区; - Abstract: With the improvement of urbanization, traffic problem is becoming more and more serious. Traffic congestion has become a bottleneck restricting the development of large and medium-sized cities. Under the environment of new data, we can obtain more abundant characteristic information of urban traffic to analyze traffic congestion characteristics. Based on the real-time traffic data of one week, this paper analyzes the spatio-temporal distribution of traffic congestion in ancient city of Suzhou by means of ArcGIS software. Meanwhile, this paper summarizes the main causes of traffic congestion. The results show that in terms of time, there are two peaks in the working days and rest days, but the peak time and peaks are different. The traffic congestion on the working day is relatively large, and the tide phenomenon is more obvious. In terms of space, traffic congestion presents the characteristics of points and lines coexisting in space, having a tendency to spread to surrounding areas to form surface congestion. The study shows that there are certain correlations between spatio-temporal distribution of regular congestion and contradiction of traffic supply and demand, separation of workplace and residence, road network structure, land use layout and other factors.
- Key words: traffic congestion; real-time traffic data; Getis-Ord G; spatiotemporal distribution; ancient city in Suzhou
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