- 历史遗产保护与活化再利用研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)01-0002-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.01.001
- 作者简介:梁伟(1975-),男,浙江农林大学,教授级高工,主要研究方向为历史文化遗产保护与规划。
- 良渚古城的规划及其深远影响研究
- The Urban Planning and Far-Reaching Impact of Prehistoric Liangzhu City
- 浏览量:
- 梁伟
- 摘要:
通过对良渚遗址近年考古资料的分析解读,从城乡规划学科的研究视角,以相关古城资料进行纵、横向比照分析为手段,研究分析良渚古城的营建特色及其反映在城市营建过程中的理念和技术手段。提出良渚古城是我国目前已知的最早经过系统规划的城市,对后世江南城市发展和我国都城规划结构的形成具有重要影响,在研究我国城市起源、研究传统规划理念形成和江南水乡人居环境等方面具有重要价值和地位。 - 关键词:
良渚古城;城市营建;城市规划史;城市起源;传统规划理念; - Abstract: In this paper, through the analysis and interpretation of the archaeological data of the Liangzhu cultural ruins in recent years, this paper analyzes the construction characteristics of the prehistoric Liangzhu city from the perspectives of urban and rural planning disciplines through the analysis of the historical data of the relevant ancient cities, the concept and technical means of urban construction. The paper points out that the prehistoric Liangzhu city had great influence on the development of the South Chinese city and the planning structure of Chinese capital city. It is the earliest planned city, and has an important value and status in the study of the origin of cities in China, the formation of traditional planning concept and living environment of the South China water villages.
- Key words: the prehistoric Liangzhu city; city construction; urban planning history; urban origin; traditional planning concept
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