- 历史遗产保护与活化再利用研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)01-0030-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.01.005
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“基于遗产价值评价的北京旧城历史文化街区可持续保护技术研究”(编号:51578304);国家自然科学基金项目“多源数据融合的城市高温脆弱性空间识别与城市设计策略应对”(编号:51978363)。
- 作者简介:魏寒宾(1986-),女,博士,清华大学建筑学院博士后,华侨大学建筑学院讲师;
- 首尔市韩屋保护制度的演变及其启示 ——以北村韩屋密集区为例
- Evolution of Hanok Protection System in Seoul and its Implication: A Case Study of Bukchon Hanok Area
- 浏览量:
- 魏寒宾 唐燕 边兰春
- WEI Hanbin TANG Yan BIAN Lanchun
- 摘要:
针对我国历史文化遗产保护中普遍存在的保护制度不完善、管理实施不力等问题,本文以韩国首尔北村韩屋密集区为研究对象,梳理北村韩屋保护的演进历程,解读韩屋保护的相关制度,从而为我国历史文化街区保护制度的进一步完善提供国际经验借鉴。研究表明,构建居民广泛参与的保护制度体系,明确保护规划在管理制度中的地位,形成政府政策管控引导、居民介入及第三方平台监督的多元协作等是重要的制度建设途径。 - 关键词:
首尔;韩屋;历史文化街区;保护制度; - Abstract: Aiming at solving the problems with the protection of historical and cultural heritage in China
such as imperfect protection system and ineffective management implementation, this paper uses Hanok
area as a case study, analyzes the evolution of Hanok protection, and explores the law of protection system in Hanok protection. The case study has significant implications for further improvement of the protection system of historic area conservation in China. Studies have shown that constructing a protection system with extensive participation of residents, clarifying the status of protection planning in the management system, forming a multi-dimensional collaboration of government policy control and guidance, having residents’ intervention, and providing third-platform supervision are important institutional building approaches.
- Key words: Seoul; Hanok; historic conservation area; protection system
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