- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)10-0110-06
- 中图分类号:TU984.2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.10.015
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“基于社会记忆的山西古村镇演化与集群研究”(51578256);国家自然科学基金项目“区域视野下乡村聚落遗产集群式保护方法研究——以山西古村镇为例”(51708235)。
- 作者简介:张杨,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士生,研究方向为城市历史、遗产保护与城市更新;
- “破立之间”:历史城区街巷空间的开放性研究 ——以平遥古城书院街区为例
- "Between Breaking and Building": An Open Study of the Space of Historic Cities: A Case Study of Shuyuan Block in the Ancient City of Pingyao
- 浏览量:
- 张杨 何依
- ZHANG Yang HE Yi
- 摘要:
历史城区的街巷空间承载了经济、交通与生活的复合职能,在文化资源的经营和人居环境的改善中产生了功能的改变——以居民为导向的内向经济转向了以游客为导向的外向经济、从纯粹的交通空间演变成为重要的活动场所。同时,名城保护制度下的空间固守与旅游开发机制下的空间改造分立于保护与发展的两极,在街巷空间开放度的问题上产生了动态博弈。对此,提出在总体原则上维持古城特色,进行适度开发,以促使风貌连续、历史可读;在具体操作层面提出先“破”后“立”的开放策略:“破”即精准定位外部街道与内部巷道中过于封闭的界面,寻找街道立面的“突破口”和建筑山墙的“破墙点”;“立”即通过功能培植激活院落空间,并通过街巷与院落的拟合进行内外联动和整体发展。通过对平遥古城书院片区这一典型案例的解读,在“破”“立”之间为当地居民提供适宜的交流与活动场所,以及迎合游客需求的参与式、体验式的旅游空间,为历史城区街巷体系的保护与活化提供借鉴与参考。 - 关键词:
历史城区;街巷体系;开放空间;旅游开发;平遥古城; - Abstract: The street space in the historical city carries the complex function of economy, transportation and activities, and in the management of cultural resources and the improvement of the living environment, the resident-oriented inward economy has turned to the tourist-oriented outward economy, which has evolved from pure traffic space into an important activity place. At the same time, the space solidity under the protection system of famous cities and the space transformation under the mechanism of tourism development are separated from the two poles of protection and development, which has produced a dynamic game on the issue of the openness of space in the streets and alleys. In this regard, it is proposed to maintain the characteristics of the ancient city in general principle, to carry out moderate development, to promote continuous style, history readable, in the specific operational level of the first "break" after "standing" open strategy: "breaking" that is, accurate positioning of the external street and the internal lane way too closed interface, looking for the street facade "breakthrough" and the building wall "break point", "standing" that is, through the cultivation function to activate the courtyard space, and the courtyard and the courtyard. Through the typical case of Pingyao ancient city academy area, further emphasis is placed on the formation of communication and activity space to meet the needs of residents between the "break" and "stand" in the street space, to meet the needs of tourists, participatory and experiential tourism space, for the protection, activation and organization of the historical city street space to provide reference.
- Key words: historical city; street system; open space; tourism development; Pingyao ancient city
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