- 应对新冠肺炎疫情的城市规划与治理策略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)10-0046-06
- 中图分类号:U12 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.10.006
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“基于乘客自适应路径变更的公交网络协同调度优化设计研究”(编号:61703165)。
- 作者简介:苏跃江,华南理工大学土木与交通学院在读工程博士,广州市交通运输研究所信息模型部部长,高级工程师,主要研究方向为公共交通、交通政策;
- 突发公共卫生事件下公共汽电车管理对策
- Study of the Management Countermeasures of Bus in Public Health Emergency
- 浏览量:
- 苏跃江 周芦芦 钟志新 胡郁葱
- SU Yuejiang ZHOU Lulu ZHONG Zhixin HU Yucong
- 摘要:
城市公共汽电车(以下简称“公交”)是城市交通的重要组成部分,也是居民出行的主要交通方式之一。在疫情防控期间,公交既要持续地为居民提供保障性的出行服务,又要有效地控制病毒的传播风险。因此,研究突发公共卫生事件下公交管理对策具有重要的意义。文章总结突发公共卫生事件下公交客运特点和存在的问题,并以疫情对广州市公交客运影响为案例进行实证分析;从政策法规、基础设施和运营管理等层面,详细梳理日常管理措施和应对突发卫生事件的公交管理对策;系统分析了突发公共卫生事件下主要公交管理对策的适应性。结果表明,疫情期间采取开行通勤公交和定制公交、实时控制车厢拥挤度、精确分析乘客出行轨迹等公交管理对策非常必要且可行。 - 关键词:
城市交通;突发公共卫生事件;公共汽电车;管理对策; - Abstract: Bus is not only an important part of urban transportation, but also one of the main modes of transportation for citizens. Bus service must not only provide necessary travel services for urban residents continuously, but also effectively control crowd to minimize the virus transmission during the epidemic. It is of great significance to study the management countermeasures of bus in public health emergency. Firstly, characteristics and problems of public transport in public health emergency were summarized, and the impact of the epidemic on passenger bus in Guangzhou was analyzed. Secondly, management countermeasures of general situations and public health emergency were combed exhaustively from policies and regulations, infrastructure and operation management. Finally, necessity and adaptability of major bus management countermeasures in public health emergency were analyzed systematically. The results show that bus management measures were necessary and feasible during the epidemic, such as basic commuter bus, customizing buses, controlling the congestion of bus in real time, and accurately analyzing passenger travel trajectories through registration.
- Key words: urban traffic; public health emergency; bus; management countermeasures
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