- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)11-0083-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.11.012
- 项目基金:2019年全国博士后创新人才支持计划资助项目(编号:B X20190237);2019年上海市“超级博士后”激励计划。
- 作者简介:丁凡,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,同济大学艺术与传媒学院与上海市“部校共建暨院媒合作”城市传播与发展策略科研团队成员;
- 以大型文化事件引导的后工业城市更新 ——以巴塞罗那水岸再生为例
- Urban Regeneration in Post-Industrial City Led by Large- Scale Cultural Events: A Case Study of Waterfront Revitalization of Barcelona
- 浏览量:
- 丁凡 伍江
- DING Fan WU Jiang
- 摘要:
水岸再生是后工业城市更新中重要的组成部分。作为西班牙最大的滨水工业城市,在由工业时代向后工业时代转型的过程中,巴塞罗那经历了水岸区域衰落的危机。巴塞罗那在进行水岸再生的过程中探索了具有鲜明特征的独特路径,开创了利用大型文化事件为引导进行城市更新的“巴塞罗那模式”,并在“城市—水岸一体化”层面对城市整体结构和功能调整产生了巨大的助推作用。文章通过实地调研、文献归纳整理等方法,结合对于巴塞罗那城市特殊历史背景的考察,详细梳理了巴塞罗那历史上3 次水岸大型文化事件——1929 年国际博览会、1992 年奥运会以及2004年世界文化论坛,进一步明确以大型文化事件引导的城市更新的“巴塞罗那模式”的长期性、激发性、公私合作、公众参与等典型特征,并试图挖掘其背后的机制,以期为当前我国的水岸再生研究与规划实践提供有益借鉴。 - 关键词:
大型文化事件;后工业;水岸再生;城市更新;巴塞罗那; - Abstract: Waterfront revitalization is an important component of post-industrial urban regeneration. As Spain’s largest waterfront industrial city, during the transition from the industrial era to the post-industrial era, the city of Barcelona has experienced the crisis of the decline of the waterfront area. In the process of waterfront revitalization, Barcelona explored unique paths with distinctive characteristics, pioneered the “Barcelona model” using large cultural events as a guide for urban regeneration, and produced a huge boost to the city’s overall structure and function adjustment at the level of “city-waterfront integration”. Through field investigation, literature summary and other study methods, combined with the consideration of the special historical background of Barcelona city, the paper combed the three major cultural events on the waterfront in Barcelona’s history - the International Exposition in 1929, the Olympic Games in 1992, and the World Cultural Forum in 2004, further clarifying the typical characteristics of the long-term, stimulating, public-private partnership, and public participation of the urban regeneration’s “Barcelona model” guided by large-scale cultural events, and trying to dig the mechanism behind it. It is expected that this research can provide useful reference for China’s waterfront revitalization.
- Key words: large-scale cultural event; post-industry; waterfront revitalization; urban regeneration; Barcelona
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