- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)11-0123-07
- 中图分类号:C913.6 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.11.017
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(51638003):北方既有住区建筑品质提升与低碳改造的基础理论与优化方法;国家自然科学基金项目(51908101):基于“公共私”理论的老旧住区建筑品质提升机制与方法研究;国家自然科学基金项目(51978119):基于农村资源整合视阈东北农村老人在乡养老设施适老型模式研究。
- 作者简介:于文婷,大连理工大学,博士在读;
- 既有住区老年人活动场所选择及差异性分析 ——以大连市为例
- Analysis of the Difference of Elderly Activity Venues Selection in Built Residential Areas: A Case Study of Dalian
- 浏览量:
- 于文婷 周博 李翥彬 范悦 栾一斐
- YU Wenting ZHOU Bo LI Zhubin FAN Yue LUAN Yifei
- 摘要:
住区环境作为老年人日常生活的主要场所, 其设计的合理性与老年人的生活品质息息相关。文章通过访谈、问卷以及综述的方法,对既有住区中不同类型老年人的活动类型差异性以及场所选择差异性进行分析。综合分析由于性别、文化程度、收入、身体健康水平及独立能力等因素的差异对活动场所选择产生的影响及其背后的动因,并据此对住区适老性环境改造提出合理化建议,为住区适老性设计以及改造提供新的视角。 - 关键词:
既有住区;老年人;差异性;场所选择;C2检验; - Abstract: As one of the main venues for older people in daily life, activity venues in community are closely related to the older people's quality of life. In this study, the method of interview, questionnaire and review were used to analysis the different types of activities and the differences between the venue choice, aiming to study the motivation behind the differences in activity venues choosing caused by gender differences, educational levels differences, income differences, physical health levels differences, and independent abilities differences, also aiming to propose some advices on elderly adaptive remodeling in old communities. Hopefully, this study would provide some new perspectives on elderly adaptive design and remodeling of communities.
- Key words: built community; elderly; difference; venue selection; Chi-square test
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