- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)11-0092-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.11.013
- 项目基金:国家重点研发计划课题(2019Y F D1100905);西北师范大学青年教师科研能力提升计划项目(NWNU-LKQN-18-4)。
- 作者简介:冯斌(1985—),男,汉族,甘肃陇南人,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院博士研究生,西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院讲师;
- 文化遗产周边历史环境再生的时空维度与实证探索 ——以锁阳城遗址为例
- Space-time Dimension and Empirical Research of the Regeneration of Historical Environment around Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of Suoyangcheng Site
- 浏览量:
- 冯斌 陈晓键 王录仓
- FENG Bin CHEN Xiaojian WANG Lucang
- 摘要:
历史环境保护研究是现代文化遗产学科发展的方向,历史环境再生是实现文化遗产整体保护的突破口。文章首先基于“新旧共生,和而不同”的基本思想,建构了历史环境再生的时空维度,提倡以史为纲,以今为本;延续历史,耦合现实;时空联动,有据创新。然后以瓜州锁阳城遗址的时空变迁历程和现状特征分析为基础,提炼形成了这一城址周边宏观孕育空间、中观赋存空间、微观载体空间三大空间维度下的历史环境再生模式,以此探索文化遗产周边历史环境再生的规划思维与方法。 - 关键词:
文化遗产;历史环境保护;时空维度;锁阳城遗址; - Abstract: The research of historical environmental protection is the direction of the modern cultural heritage development, and historical environment regeneration is the breakthrough to realize the overall protection of cultural heritage. This paper first introduces the basic idea of "the coexistence of the old and the new, harmony but difference", constructs the space-time dimension of the regeneration of historical environment, advocates taking history as the key point, taking the present as the foundation, continuing history, coupling reality, jointing time and space, innovating rationally. Then, based on the evaluation of the temporal and spatial changes and the analysis of the current characteristics of Suoyangcheng site in Guazhou, the study refines and forms the regeneration mode of historical environment in the three spatial dimensions of macro breeding space, meso storage space and micro carrier space around the city site. In this way, this paper explores the planning thinking and methods of the regeneration of the historical environment around the cultural heritage.
- Key words: cultural heritage; historical environmental protection; temporal and spatial dimensions; Suoyangcheng site
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