- 城乡统筹
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)12-0097-09
- 中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.12.012
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“苏南乡村集中社区建设类型解构及其演进机制研究——基于乡村治理的视角”(51778387);国家自然科学基金面上项目“苏南新型农村集中社区公共空间活力评价与规划对策研究”(51578352);苏州科技大学研究生科研创新计划项目“苏南乡村社区公共空间舒适度营造——基于舒适物理论视角”(KYCX18_2563)。
- 作者简介:杨迪,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向为区域规划与理论;
- 基于资本下乡的乡村绅士化机制研究 ——以南通市仇湖村乐百年小镇为例
- Study on the Mechanism of Rural Gentrification Based on Capital to the Countryside: A Case Study of Lebainian Town in Qiuhu Village, Nantong City
- 浏览量:
- 杨迪 李广斌 秦晴
- YANG Di LI Guangbin QIN Qing
- 摘要:
在乡村振兴背景下,市场化取向的土地制度改革为“资本下乡”提供了体制通道,也为资本增值开辟了新的空间。从“经营城市”到“经营乡村”,“资本下乡”推动了乡村社会空间的再生产,吸引了大批城市中产阶层“消费下乡”,乡村绅士化渐显端倪。文章在阐释乡村绅士化内涵基础上,从经济模式、社会关系和物质景观3 个层面建构了“资本下乡”与乡村绅士化关联分析框架,并以仇湖村乐百年小镇为例,详细剖析了乡村绅士化机制。 - 关键词:
乡村绅士化;机制;资本下乡;社会空间再生产;乐百年小镇; - Abstract: Under the background of rural revitalization, land system reform based on market orientation provides a system channel to “capital to the countryside”, which also opens up a new space for capital appreciation. From “managing city” to “managing village”, “capital to the countryside” has pushed the reproduction of social space, which attracts a large number of urban middle class “consumption in the countryside”. The rural gentrification is beginning to come into being. Based on illustrating the meaning of rural gentrification, from three aspects of economic model, social relationship and physical landscape, the paper constructs an analysis framework of the correlation between “capital to the countryside” and “rural gentrification”. Taking Lebainian town in Qiuhu village as an example, this paper analyzes the mechanism of “rural gentrification” in detail.
- Key words: rural gentrification; mechanism; capital to the countryside; reproduction of social space; Lebainian town
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