- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)12-0045-10
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.12.006
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金艺术学项目“城镇化下古建筑周边环境景观设计与地域文化研究”(15B G097);2018年度太原社会科学创新基金“太原城市空间色彩协调性研究”;山西省2019年度研究生教育创新计划项目“多规合一平台下太原历史特征色的继承与活化研究”。
- 作者简介:张春芳,女,太原理工大学建筑学院硕士研究生;
- 基于GIS风貌敏感性分析的色彩空间结构构建 ——太原主城色彩规划实践性研究
- Construction of Color Space Structure Based on GIS Scene Sensitivity Analysis: Practical Research on Color Planning of Taiyuan Main City
- 浏览量:
- 张春芳 王崇恩 朱向东 胡川晋
- ZHANG Chunfang WANG Chongen ZHU Xiangdong HU Chuanjin
- 摘要:
色彩依附城市实体,与城市结构存在耦合关系,文章从空间脉络的视角来探讨色彩的规划思路。在综述“色彩空间结构”相关研究的基础上,以GIS 为途径开展色彩与空间结构协同研究。首先提出“色彩风貌敏感性”的概念,将城市色彩空间格局与影响因子的空间数据信息结合,实现色彩数量化与空间化的有机结合,得出各影响因子的“色彩力”分布情况,并进一步提出以色彩风貌敏感性区划为基础确立主城色彩空间结构,在此基础上对主城色彩空间进行系统设计。 - 关键词:
耦合关系;太原主城;色彩风貌敏感性分析;GIS;层次分析法;色彩空间结构; - Abstract: Color is attached to urban entities and has a coupling relationship with urban structure. This paper explores the color planning from the perspective of spatial context. On the basis of reviewing the related research of “color space structure”, the collaborative research of color and space structure is carried out by GIS. Firstly, the concept of “color appearance sensitivity” is proposed, which combines the urban color space pattern with the spatial data information of the impact factor to realize the organic combination of color quantification and spatialization, to obtain the “color force” distribution of each impact factor. It is further proposed to establish the main city color space structure based on the color scene sensitivity zoning. On this basis, the system design of the main city color space is carried out.
- Key words: coupling relationship; Taiyuan main city; color style sensitivity analysis; GIS; analytic hierarchy process; color space structure
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