- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)12-0055-09
- 中图分类号:[U-9] 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.12.007
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41401177、51778278)。
- 作者简介:唐祖君(1992—),成都东部新区公园城市建设局主任科员,南京大学城市规划硕士;
- 日本轨道交通枢纽“ 站城一体开发”模式、实践及其启示
- The Mode, Practice and Enlightenment of "Integrated Station-City Development" of Japan's Rail Transit Hub
- 浏览量:
- 唐祖君 张翔 徐建刚
- TANG Zujun ZHANG Xiang XU Jiangang
- 摘要:
轨道交通枢纽“站城一体开发”是实现城市集约紧凑发展的有效模式。文章以日本轨道交通枢纽“站城一体开发”实践经验为例,首先梳理其发展历程,接着将开发模式分为“枢纽本体竖向开发型”和“枢纽—周边街区一体化再生型”,在此基础上,总结归纳日本的成功经验和规划手法,并针对我国城市轨道交通枢纽开发的现状与问题,为我国在土地使用、功能服务、交通接驳、空间景观、管理机制等方面提供案例借鉴与经验启示。 - 关键词:
轨道交通枢纽;站城一体开发;日本经验;集约紧凑发展;启示; - Abstract: "Integrated Station-City Development" of rail transit hub is an effective model to realize the intensive and compact development of cities. Taking the practical experiences of "Integrated Station-City Development" of Japan's rail transit hub as an example, this paper reviews the development process, divides development modes into the vertical development type of hub noumenon and the integrated regeneration type of hub-surrounding blocks, and summarizes its successful experiences and planning strategies. Moreover, based on the current situation, problems and development trend of rail transit hub development in china, this paper also puts forward some enlightenments on land use, transportation connection, function and service, space landscape and management mechanism .
- Key words: rail transit hub; Integrated Station-City Development; Japanese experience; intensive and compact development; enlightenment
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