- 社区微更新优化策略研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)02-0033-09
- 中图分类号:F294 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.02.005
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金“基于综合防灾约束的填海造地空间规划理论与方法研究”(51778404);天津市科技发展战略研究计划“京津冀协同下填海造地区域产业更新与特色发展模式研究”(17ZLZXZF00340)。
- 作者简介:李雪,天津大学建筑学院,硕士研究生;
- 网络经济驱动下社区便民商业设施配置方式研究 ——以菜市场为例
- Research on the Configuration Method of Community Convenience Commercial Facilities Driven by Network Economy: A Case Study of Grocery Market
- 浏览量:
- 李雪 张赫 于丁一
- LI Xue ZHANG He YU Dingyi
- 摘要:
我国的城市规划长期忽视居民行为需求等微观要素对空间发展的影响。随着以大数据为代表的新型信息技术急速发展,基于居民属性和行为习惯的数据调查逐渐成为优化城市公共服务设施配置的辅助手段。以社区便民商业设施的代表——菜市场为切入点,选取天津市中心城区三类典型菜市场,分析网络经济对分级设定、千人指标和服务半径这三大规划要素的影响。进而从业态选择、等级结构、空间规模三方面,构建网络经济时代社区便民商业设施配置体系,促进社区公共服务的良性发展。 - 关键词:
网络经济时代;社区便民商业设施;配置方式;菜市场; - Abstract: China's urban planning has long neglected the impact of micro-elements such as residents' behavioral demands on spatial development. With the rapid development of new information technology represented by big data, data survey based on residents' attributes and behavior habits has gradually become an auxiliary means to optimize the allocation of urban public service facilities. Taking the representative of the community convenience commercial facilities: the grocery market as the entry point, the three typical grocery markets in the downtown area of Tianjin are selected to analyze the impact of the network economy on the three major planning factors: hierarchical setting, thousand indicators and service radius. Furthermore, from the three aspects of business choice, hierarchical structure and space scale, the community convenience commercial facilities allocation system in the era of network economy will be constructed to promote the healthy development of community public services.
- Key words: network economy era; community convenience commercial facilities; configuration method; grocery market
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